AM - 12 miles. 3.5 mi warmup, 7.5 mile AT Tempo in 40:17 (5:22/mi avg). Splits - 5:21, 5:28, 5:28, 5:25, 5:28, 5:20, 5:12, 2:34. Cooled down a mile. And it was truly a cooldown, because I was quite warm and sweaty by the end. I probably had too many clothes on, but that's better than being under layered. The goal for this morning was to get in a solid, but not taxing, aerobic effort. I thought this might finally be the workout that would get shifted to the treadmill (my tempo loop still has a lot of ice spots), but yesterday I noticed that the stretch of road on 1700E b/w 21st and 33rd was pretty clear, so I just ran back and forth there. Took it easy on the 180 degree turns and had to be very conscious of any slippery painted spots on the roads. And then the last 1.5 miles was a bit downhill back home, hence the faster pace. I normally wouldn't do that but I wanted to get a little quicker turnover at the end and didn't want to pull a muscle, so I considered it a fair tradeoff since the windchill was probably below zero. PM - 4 miles easy. This is a cool dataset - showing the improvement in the depth of American long distance running from 2005-2012. Hope to see this trend continue.