AM - 7.2 miles, hobbyjogging around. I wrote up a 2011 Recap on our blog... kinda fun to look back on everything we did this past year. At first I thought its going to be pretty tough to top 2011, but we get an extra day this year because of the leap year, so having 366 days to work with means we can raise the bar a little higher :-) PM - 4 miles easy. Went up to Brighton this afternoon to ski a little bit. We skinned up to the top of the Millicent lift twice (2140 vertical climbed) and skied the groomers back down. Its crazy how little snow there is in upper BCC. Nice to do a little cross training and skiing... its also really cool that Brighton is allowing uphill access on their property during the day... they are the only resort in Utah (that I know of) that allows people to do that.