AM - 9 miles up to work... first couple miles w/ Andrea. PM - 5.5 miles down to SHP and around the park. First 2 easy, then a 2.5 mile tempo (~2% downhill) in 12:07 (4:58, 4:47, 2:22 - 4:51/mi avg). Cooled down a mile with Andrea. This was pretty easy... just wanted to do something a little faster. Simulating the opening miles of Boston, except that I'll be going at least 25 seconds slower per mile! I'm not going up for the Striders 1/2 on Saturday. Made the executive decision this morning. Even a super-controlled effort doesn't make any sense. I used the "is this stupid?" litmus test and the answer was "yes." I don't trust myself to not race. Saucony is launching a new project today. I can't post the link yet, but here's a preview...