AM - 8.8 miles. HCI/Sunnyside/Wasatch. Spent the first 3-4 miles coughing the junk out of my chest. Everyone I ran by probably thought I had just polished off a pack of cigarettes. I put about zero percent effort into that run, just going through the motions. I don't get sick very often - when I do, it usually hits me really hard for a day, then I bounce back quickly. Hopefully that will be the case this time. PM - 7 miles. Met Andrea at the Olympus track and we ran 2 miles together to warmup. I was originally thinking of doing a short tempo, but settled on something even easier - 12 x 200m w/ 200m jog... averaged 33.1 seconds for the reps. Not really impressive considering I picked the direction w/ a tailwind, but honestly I kinda feel like trash right now and that was about all I could manage. The workout accomplished the goal of clearing a lot more junk out of my chest. Jogged 2 miles on the artificial turf to cooldown. Some weekend motivation. Desi Devila shared a journal entry from March 2006 with Running Times. A snippet from what she wrote: If we will all eventually walk away disappointed, then what is the point? Why do we step out the door each day? If only one person can be the best, are the rest of us essentially failing? I certainly don’t have the answers, but today I’ll walk out the door with my Burns tied tight and hopes of setting the world on fire firmly engrained in my mind. Odds are I’ll never wear an Olympic medal around my neck, but maybe…just maybe, I will. With that in mind I’ll take off down the road and put in the days work. If we don’t try we’ll never know. At least I can find out how good I can be.