AM - 5 miles. Rainy morning. Ran 4 w/ Andrea, then an extra mile with the last half-mile at marathon pace, on a downhill stretch. Did it on "feel" and hit 2:33 with my shoe untied. Too fast! Its going to take every ounce of control I have to keep the first mile slower that 5:15 on Monday. PM - 1.5 mile shakeout in Cambridge before dinner. The day of travel was uneventful (a good thing!)... we got in, met up with some friends at the expo, and picked up our packets. Ran into Saucony's CEO, and they are counting on me to come through as their top guy on Monday! I'll post some thoughts on my goals tomorrow. Obviously I'm adjusting my time range a bit due to the heat... but its a race, not a time trial, so competition is the name of the game.