AM - 16 miles. 6 mile AT Tempo in 32:51 (5:29/mi avg) on the tempo loop. Splits - 5:22, 5:28, 5:28, 5:28, 5:31, 5:34. 6 up, 4 down. This one goes down as a regression run. Still not feeling back to normal... first mile felt harder than normal and I decided to slow down and keep going as long as I was under 5:30 pace. I was hoping I'd get to 8-10 miles, but I would have had to take the effort out of the right range to make that happen. On one hand I'm still recovering from being sick, but on the other hand I need to be realistic about the fact that I'm probably at my lowest fitness point over the past 2+ years. I am confident I can get myself back to a competitive level by sometime this summer. But for now, I'm going to do workouts that reflect my current level, not what I think I should be running based on what I've run in the past. PM - 4 miles. |