AM - 10.5 miles. 10K Tempo in 32:36 (5:15/mi average). Splits - 5:25, 5:21, 5:14, 5:10, 5:16, 5:07, 1:03. Warmed up and cooled down a little over 2 miles each. I purposely tried to dial it back a bit (especially off the start) this morning... I don't want to start trying to make each workout better than the previous one. Right now I'm at the point where I could do that - but there is still a lot of work to be done between now and Boston, so I need to make sure I keep things at the right effort level. Track workout this afternoon... supercompensation day! PM - 9 miles. Met Adam (ACorn) and Andrea at the track and we warmed up together. Workout was 4 x 200m, 8 x 400m, 4 x 200m. Didn't try to crush it - just wanted to get in some 3K/5K pace work. Averaged 34 seconds for the first set of 200s, then 71.1 seconds for the 400s, and 33 seconds for the last set of 200s. Recovery was a 200m jog b/w reps. Adam and I ran 2+ miles for a cooldown. Really great to have some company on the track tonight! 400s were a little quicker than when I did the AM/PM double 2 weeks ago but the effort felt the same, so that's a good sign. When I got home, Andrea had the ice bucket prepared for me so I could give my feet a good, cold soak. What a sweetheart! :-)