3.8 miles along the river and the start/finish areas of the course. Travel was relatively uneventful... direct flight to Philly, got in late and spent last night at a hotel by the airport, then took the train downtown this morning and checked into our nice hotel in Logan Circle. Surprisingly they had our room ready for us at 9:30am, which was pretty sweet (and convenient). After running we've just been taking it easy - got some lunch, went to the expo, and hung out w/ Andrea's parents for a while. Our hotel room has a kitchen so we didn't have to bother with the hassle of going out to dinner. Thanks for all the good wishes we've gotten this week - it really means a lot to us! Really looking forward to getting after it tomorrow morning.
We decided to go Galen Rupp style at the airport and in the place yesterday... the mask definitely keeps people from sitting next to you!