I am in Washington, DC today and it was a nice morning (46, but windy). I just ran an easy 5 miles. I felt good and just took it real easy. The route I did today was fairly hilly which is a change for me but felt good to run something different. The taper is still going ok but I am getting to the point that I am ready to go. I wish the race was now so starting to get a little antsy. Now I am starting to get worried about the weather. After weeks of having these great mornings in the high 40's now the Chicago forecast is saying mid 60's for race start. Not the worse weather but I sure would have loved to have one of the 40 degree days. It is still a few days out so maybe it will improve..... or get worse. Still going through the plans for race day pace but that will depend on the weather. I will have to see how aggressive I will be based on the conditions. Tomorrow I am planning my last MP run but it will be short probably around 4 miles. 39:41