It was warm (72) and very humid this morning. I felt very sluggish this morning. It was hard to get the legs moving and I just felt tired. I ran for a few miles and then did some 1/4 mile pickups just to see if that helped. It didn't seem to snap me out of it so I just ran easy for a few more miles then added some strides at the end. I had a couple of nights without normal sleep so hopefully I can get on schedule and maybe that will help.
8m in 62:35 (7:49 avg)
PM: It was a warm (80) and humid evening. I ran after dinner and didn't have enough time to really let my food settle so I had some stomach issues for the first couple of miles but then got better. I took it easy until I started feeling better then gradually picked up the pace after 4 I was feeling pretty good so decided to finish fast and ran the last two at MP. The last mile was really faster than MP but wanted to keep pushing the pace more like a progression. Rough start but it ended up being a pretty good run.
6m in 45:36 (7:36 avg) |