Mon - speed workout with track club, ran 3 x 1 mile, 7:08 with St. George group, 6:30 catching up to Doug, and 6:07 with fast girl in black who may or may not have been annoyed that I caught up to her
Tue- B-ball, blow-up fight once again, was the peace-maker but just wanted to keep playing, Marky came after long no-show and made last game winning shot; Wed - can't remember
Thu- no b-ball, Fri- late night at David's house, ran down street downhill, felt good on downhill but coming back got into Fat mode, slightly tempo but at night feels faster to lack of depth perception, 2.5 miles
Sun- quick out in rain before comm. group, neighborhood dead ends up to 54th, 2.5
Mon- rollerblading around block, Tue- before dentist ran down canal road to peri Harry Truman elem, bathroom break, grapes, around school and home, 45 min, 5 miles |