Sun, Mon - rest, Tues - B-ball, played pretty well, running and gunning, ran late night afterward S around neighborhoods to open park (S of 5400), good but felt a little peaked. 4.5 M
Th- b-ball, got a little physical with Penny, am driving to hole better, tweaked the outside of my left knee, also the right achilles hurts, Fri - ran a little in good shoes from Salt Palace, 1/2 mile
Sat- after Greek festival went running to Park across Bangtr, did some loops, felt good and strong, knee was fine but Achilles started to hurt, running on uneven grass wasn't the best idea, had to jog last 1/2 mile 5.5m
Mon - was going to run with track club but rained, Tues- played pretty well but lost every game, need to let it come and realize other player's weaknesses and strengths, tweaked knee again.