Sun - non deliberate rest
Mon - easy jump in of 1000 w/ SLTrack club, faster than slower group, slower than faster group, then jumped in with fast group, 3 guys and hard core older friend of Ally, 800 in 2:37, 600, 400, 200, beat girl on last one, then 1.5 peri run around park w/ dips, pull-ups and bar hand leg ups at playground, then come-back down lacrosse field, 3000m
Tues-drove to Canyonlands and enuf MT biking to get $75 ticket, :-), then 10 w/ dad beyond elephant hill, then to EH and back
Wed - big day, biked to EH, then slow hiked w/ group from 9:30 to 11:45, then fast tracked it to the loop, Joint trail and back Chesler park, 11 total, and bike back by 2:24 w/ 5 minute talk w/ B, then walked w/ her 3 miles around, then biked around and above and on rock at nite,
Thu - hiked delicate arch, 3.5m
Fri - softball swings w/ Jordan and David, Sat - bikeable church