Thu - played ball w/ Steve on 54th, 4 on 4, lost one to him then hustled w/ 19 yr old and lean runner in black and won some, but Steve and fast smart guy won the last w/ smarts, a little un-energetic at first but felt strong through end, talked w/ Steve for long time, religion and politics, ;-) ran?, had final closure w/ H. nite before
Fri - w/ Nate to Sugarhouse around once, 30 min. back thru park, a little faster, overcoming ball, 4 m
Sat - at Nate's Ogden half, biked fr finish to 2 mile, saw Nate and crew, saw BK, then Don, Harry Hoover, back to 8 mile, took Nate's black longleeve, then also Don's flourescent green and Rochelle's white, dialogue w/ Carol Cab, Roch beat her, ran 1:29! W/ dad and Ben and Fezzik, awesome, figured I biked 35 miles total on Nate's bike, then veged at homestead watching Kentucky and UConn beat Wisco and FL, killers and Shabazz
Sun - biked w/ Nate from homestead to JRParkway down to 87th, then back up off 70th up 22nd W, then ran to get transitional workout, a little jab w/ Fezzik uninterested, end of canal, then down to Redwood Cemtry, jaunt off NE corner down demystified canal, back pushing home, 4.5