W/u with Matt Poulson, very cold, rode bus up and ran uphill. Then loops in the parking lot and down, wind coming down the canyon. Was ready to go.
Started on the 3rd row and strode out to 1st right turn out of This Is The Place Park, could see string of runners out ahead of me. Felt like I was going pretty fast but holding back and cruising. No mile markers which is probably good, started to pass peeps 1/4 mile in, altogether probably passed 20, started up the hill towards ARUP, here I passed Eleanor and Sarah, didn't know who they were so didn't know how good I was doing, could see Bill and Joe out ahead, Bill be-bopping and Joe tracking. Continued to pass until we got onto road back to Sunnyside, then could see two guys 40 yards ahead, Jacob and another young'un. After turning onto Sunnyside, I thought I was doing pretty well, felt like I was maintaining a good pace, breathing fast but strong, in fact, I think I could have pushed a little more thru here, I was thinking we were close, had a momentary lapse and pause after thinking we were a lot further to the finish (in my head thinking there's a long way b/w Foothill and East High, but it's really not, a few stoplights). I was ready to push for home and saw the track and had caught up to Jacob, got into a sprinting pattern, tracked Jake thru 100 to go and then opened up, sh probably have sprinted from 200 out, need to work on knowing how far I can sprint but it was lovely to have a track to sprint on, passed Jake amidst cheers for him and hit home in the fastest 5K of my adult life. I don't really think I'm in the best shape I've ever been in but I do think I'm not terribly far. Low-mileage but active guy just 25 seconds off fastest flat 5K. But this really is a downhill, not sure how far it drops but it's precipitous.
Afterwards cooled down on the grass and with Joe and the Alta team, chatted w/ Eleanor and Sarah and Austin Banz, golfer going to the Y who was just behind. http:/Results here