20.50 in .....(my time got messed up. I left it running when I hit the bathroom one time, so it was off quite a bit). Probably averaged around 8:15ish for the run. Started at 5:10 and went out towards my old church and the freeway. Ran the frontage road and then the farm roads and eventually went over the freeway in P.G. Ran to the Wal-Mart. Ran around P.G. and then came back. Last two miles were rough. I was low on fuel. I wanted to get a long run in and do it on tired legs. I did 10 miles each day the last two days plus went to crossfit both days. This may be the longest run I do before Boston. Glad to have it in. Crossfit. AMRAP in 12 min of 150 wall balls, 90 double-unders and 30 muscle ups. I got through the double unders and then did 4 pull -ups (4 pull-ups 4 dips = 1 muscle up). The wall balls were a killer after the long run. |