| Location: Idaho Falls,ID,USA Member Since: Apr 21, 2007 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: 2007 St. George Marathon 2:32:06 (marathon PR)
2014 St. George Marathon 2:32:45 (close to old PR...7 years later!)
2014 Boston Marathon, 2:39:00, 298th OA, 8th AG, 1st Idahoan
2013 Lake Lowell Marathon, 2:48:34 (Course Record), 1st Overall (#6)
2012 Boston Marathon, 2:43:26 (HOT!!), 114th OA, 9th Master OA, 1st Idahoan
2010 B&A Trail Marathon (MD), 2:40:18, 1st Overall (#3), Master's Course Record (still!)
2010 Mesa Falls Marathon, 2:48:55, 1st Overall (#4)
2009 Pocatello Marathon, 2:37:22, 1st Overall (#2)
2011 The M.A.D. Marathon, 2:55:14, 1st OA (training run) (#5)
2006 Teton Dam Marathon, 2:50:48 1st Overall (#1)
2015 Hood to Coast Relay (195 miles), 1st Masters Team (6th OA), 19:59:57, 6:03 avg pace for the team
2008 Ragner Relay Del Sol (182 mile relay) 1st place team 17:04:37, 5:38 pace avg for the team
50,000 lifetime miles from spring 2000 to October 2019. Computer logged 50,000 miles from Jan 2005 to September 12, 2020.
Logged (on computer) 49,802 miles (2 x circumference of the earth) in ~5,700 days (8/23/20)
Logged (on computer) 24,901 miles (circumference of the earth) in 2,889 days (11/29/12) http://jeff.fastrunningblog.com/blog-My-alarm-went-off-I-got-up-eventually-/11-29-2012.html Short-Term Running Goals: Keep on running, enjoy it for the sake of running, relax and enjoy life...de-stress. Stay fit as I enter retirement in 2025.
No racing, retired. Long-Term Running Goals: Keep running until this old body says no, running for fun. Personal: Retiring from my job of 33 years in March 2025.
I started running competitively in 2005 and ran my first marathon in 2005. Now retired from competitive racing.
Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;
answer me, for I need your help.
Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.
Give me happiness, O Lord,
for I give myself to you.
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;
hear my urgent cry.
I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,
and you will answer me. - Psalm 86:1-7 Favorite Blogs: |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 41.00 | 26.22 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 67.22 |
Runs With Moxie Miles: 22.00 | Saucony Ride 2 2011 Miles: 27.50 | Saucony Kinvara 2010 Miles: 10.00 | Saucony Cortana Miles: 3.50 | Saucony Tangent 3 2011 Miles: 26.22 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 14.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 14.50 |
I met Curt for a longish run on a perfect morning and praised God for such a glorious sunrise. We ran through SRL and around the greenbelt and home for a total of 11.5 miles in 1:24:30. I went home and picked up Justin and Moxie and we did another 3 miles in 26:00 (Justin's fastest 3 mile run) all before church today. A good start to a Sunday and a new week. |
Runs With Moxie Miles: 3.00 | Saucony Ride 2 2011 Miles: 14.50 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 10.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 |
4:15am...6 very easy miles with Moxie on a beautiful morning. Adductors felt ok, a little twing (in the left one this morning) but no real worries.
I helped out at the middle school XC practice this morning. Helped with warmup and help keep the kids going on the two 10 min tempo runs. One gal fainted and hit the pavement right behind me...she told the coach she had been having issues for a while and never told anyone. Lectured kids on telling us about any issues before practice to ensure the coach knows about their conditioning before causing harm. Justin did great as his pack leader and showed real heart today! No lunch run due to helping at practice...I will work through lunch. |
Runs With Moxie Miles: 6.00 | Saucony Ride 2 2011 Miles: 10.00 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
| 4:30am...easy 6 miles with Moxie, no abductor issues. (Kinvara) |
Saucony Kinvara 2010 Miles: 6.00 | Runs With Moxie Miles: 6.00 |
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 |
| 4:30am...slow and easy 4 mile run with Moxie for my taper. Hoping to feel good and do well at Pocatello marathon on Saturday. (Kinvara) |
Saucony Kinvara 2010 Miles: 4.00 | Runs With Moxie Miles: 4.00 |
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
My traditional rest day before a marathon so I decided to sleep in and forgo an easy run early. I might do a short run at lunch instead if I am feeling like it.
I was looking up the Master's runners for TCM last night, what a tough group of runners! It will be a challenge to break the top 15 let alone even think of top 10 based on the times some of the guys have put down, not even quite sure why they let me in the elite category. My money is on Malcolm Campbell who is running so well this year (1:09 HM, 2:22 Marathon) followed by Tracy Lokken and Jason Ryf (David Williams, Kevin Castille could be in there too).
An easy run at lunch, more mental to help offset bad mojo at work. Focused totally on form and tried to put in minimal effort. 3.5 miles in 23:32: 6:47, 6:47, 6:37, 3:21 (0.5m). Everything felt really good and very easy. Good run to blow off steam and get ready for Saturday. (Cortana) |
Saucony Cortana Miles: 3.50 |
| Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 3.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.00 |
4:45am...3 easy miles with Moxie to get her out and keep my legs moving. Looking forward to seeing everyone run well tomorrow.
Good luck at Poky to Marlin, Curt, Alana, Craig, Rob, Justin, Andrea, Lynette, Ron, Kory, Bill, McKay, Gray, Gary, Alisa, etc. (too many to remember!).
Drove down to Poky to get our race packets and spend some time with the Murphy's. Kids had a great time playing together and we had a nice dinner and time talking with Anne and Rob before hitting the sack to get up early. |
Runs With Moxie Miles: 3.00 | Saucony Ride 2 2011 Miles: 3.00 |
| Comments(1) |
| Race: |
Pocatello Marathon (26.22 Miles) 02:39:11, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 1 | Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 26.22 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 26.22 |
Short report: 2:39:11, 2nd overall, 1st Master. First half: 1:17:33ish, second half 1:21:38ish. First half controlled, second half on cruise due to twinges in my abductor. One PoP at mile 10 then cruised the rest of the way.
Congrats to all my IF running buddies (too many to name now) and to Justin Park for crushing the course record with a 2:26...a Kenyan will have to come to break this.
Full report:
Woke up at 4am to get ready to meet Kory and Rachelle to ride to the buses (thanks for the ride!). At the starting line, we saw tons of running friends and had a good time while waiting for the start. Cleared the pipes many times hoping to avoid any GI issues on the course. Cool and a bit breezy but perfect running conditions. I warmed up a bit with Craig and Kory then got to the line and saw Justin.
Ran pretty easy on the downhills (through mile 14). Took off a bit quick with Justin and a really big guy wearing a Idaho Beef council shirt (no, not Dane!) who ran his first mile way too fast and blew up by the end of mile 1. After that, ran controlled down the hills and watched Justin just take off (lost sight of him by mile 5 except at the turnaround at mile 7).
I was running well and controlled with a couple of guys chasing me. At mile 8 I took a PowerBar gel but my intestinal issues were starting to arise so at mile 10 I made the decision to use the PoP. After the stop as I was coming out the third place guy was approaching the aid station so I grabbed a drink and tried to hammer the next couple of miles to put some distance (and fear) in him.
At mile 12, I felt a hard twinge in my right abductor that put a bit of a hitch in my step for a bit. At this point approaching the half mark, I decided that I would just go into more of a cruise mode so I wouldn' cause any issues and not get injured for TCM.
As I was coming up on the half, Rob came out and ran with my for about 0.75M which was a really pick me up. Saw Curt, Gary and Gray as well as I hit the half at 1:17:30ish (including the PoP...a bit faster than I was expecting). Now for the fun on the rolling second half.This is a very legit half, with good size rollers and more uphill than downhill.
The groin was doing ok but I could feel it and every now and again it would talk to me so the miles through 21 were just pretty easy and conservative. I grabbed a PowerBar gel at mile 20. At about 20.5 mile mark, we hit the uphill to the high school and ran a bit harder to keep my momentum for the rest of the uphill...it didn't work as mile 22 was a weak 6:32. Once over the top I was able to get going again (mostly) as I was running a bit afraid that 3rd place was going to make a move and I wanted to stay ahead of the half marathoners (I thought for sure Gray or Rob was going to come up on me).
My abductor twinged again hard at mile 22-23 so I was a bit worried about the last 5K. At mile 24, I ask the volunteer if there was anyone back there and he indicated there was no one in sight so I cruised into the finish. Happy to be done and with the time.
At the finish, I saw Justin and chatted for a bit then had to get moving. A volunteer helped me get my bag and as we were leaving the MC grabbed me up on stage to talk. Even he talked about my decision to run the marathon so I could get done earlier to make Justin's XC meet!
We got out as quickly as we could then had to drive the road on the course for a while but we got to cheer on friends. We made it to Soda Springs with 5 minutes to spare to see Justin do great at his meet and run a strong 1.8 mile course in 13:44! Afterwards we stopped at Lava Hot Springs for the kids to play in the pool with some friends. A great day for the Shadley's!
Splits: 5:21, 5:49, 5:48, 5:55, 5:56, 5:49, 5:50, 5:56, 5:59, 6:44 (PoP), 5:37, 5:33, 6:08 (abductor twinge), 5:43, 6:08, 6:15, 6:28 (hill), 6:10, 6:02, 6:20, 6:20 (big hill), 6:32 (twinge), 6:12, 6:11, 6:18, 1:55 (0.31) |
Saucony Tangent 3 2011 Miles: 26.22 |
| Comments(18) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 41.00 | 26.22 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 67.22 |
Runs With Moxie Miles: 22.00 | Saucony Ride 2 2011 Miles: 27.50 | Saucony Kinvara 2010 Miles: 10.00 | Saucony Cortana Miles: 3.50 | Saucony Tangent 3 2011 Miles: 26.22 |
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