Philippians 4:13

PF Chang Rock and Roll Marathon

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Idaho Falls,ID,USA

Member Since:

Apr 21, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

2007 St. George Marathon 2:32:06 (marathon PR)

2014 St. George Marathon 2:32:45 (close to old PR...7 years later!)

2014 Boston Marathon, 2:39:00, 298th OA, 8th AG, 1st Idahoan

2013 Lake Lowell Marathon, 2:48:34 (Course Record), 1st Overall (#6)

2012 Boston Marathon, 2:43:26 (HOT!!), 114th OA, 9th Master OA, 1st Idahoan

2010 B&A Trail Marathon (MD), 2:40:18, 1st Overall (#3), Master's Course Record (still!)

2010 Mesa Falls Marathon, 2:48:55, 1st Overall (#4)

2009 Pocatello Marathon, 2:37:22, 1st Overall (#2)

2011 The M.A.D. Marathon, 2:55:14, 1st OA (training run) (#5)

2006 Teton Dam Marathon, 2:50:48 1st Overall (#1)

2015 Hood to Coast Relay (195 miles), 1st Masters Team (6th OA), 19:59:57, 6:03 avg pace for the team

2008 Ragner Relay Del Sol (182 mile relay) 1st place team 17:04:37, 5:38 pace avg for the team

50,000 lifetime miles from spring 2000 to October 2019.  Computer logged 50,000 miles from Jan 2005 to September 12, 2020. 

Logged (on computer) 49,802 miles (2 x circumference of the earth) in ~5,700 days (8/23/20)

Logged (on computer) 24,901 miles (circumference of the earth) in 2,889 days (11/29/12)  

Short-Term Running Goals:

Keep on running, enjoy it for the sake of running, relax and enjoy  Stay fit as I enter retirement in  2025.

No racing, retired.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running until this old body says no, running for fun.


Retiring from my job of 33 years in March 2025.  

I started running competitively in 2005 and ran my first marathon in 2005. Now retired from competitive racing.

Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;

answer me, for I need your help.
Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.
Give me happiness, O Lord,
for I give myself to you.
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;
hear my urgent cry.
I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,
and you will answer me.  - Psalm 86:1-7

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Miles:This week: 15.50 Month: 54.50 Year: 336.75
Runs With Moxie Lifetime Miles: 13113.10
Vibram Five Finger Bikila Lifetime Miles: 137.80
Saucony Xodus 2011 Lifetime Miles: 982.61
Saucony Fastwitch White 2019 Lifetime Miles: 2256.18
Saucony Guide Yellow 2019 Lifetime Miles: 1204.75
Brooks Launch 6 Red 2020 Lifetime Miles: 2363.95
Nike React Infinity Black Flyknit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 1002.90
Nike React Infinity Blue Flynit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 669.00
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38 Lifetime Miles: 1287.50
Nike Quest Shield 3 2024 Lifetime Miles: 90.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Race: PF Chang Rock and Roll Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:39:20, Place overall: 33, Place in age division: 4
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Overall result of 2:39:20  (28th overall, 4th is age class according to early results).  Final results now show 30th male.

Got up at 4:00am to get ready for the race.  Hit the road by 5:30 and get to the start at about 6:15.  Rachel and I head the starting corrals amidst a big crowd.  Hit the porta potties, do some warmups on the side streets, ditch the clothes in the gear bag and head to the Preferred corral.  Thoughts of a top 10 finish evaporate after seeing lots of fast Russian runners and half of the Hanson Brooks distance running team in the elite corral.  Watch the wheelchair athletes go off, move to the start.  Here we go.

1 - 5:40  Running easy, right in between two groups by myself but feel good.

2 - 5:44 More of the same, looking for someone to run with but still solo.

3- 5:49 Still solo, but the support truck is next to me and yelling encouraging words.

4 - 5:48  Hook up with another runner, but he takes off at a pace that I am not ready to run.  Let him go.

5- 5:55  First 3 women catch me with their pacesetters.  Run with them for about a mile.  Another runner named Sean hooks up with me and we decide to run together for the rest of the race to a 2:35 goal.  Nice to have the company.

6 - 5:51  Still running strong and feeling good.  Take my first GU.

7 - 5:56  Still feeling good, but we decide to back it off to 6:00 to save some energy and just cruise for a few miles.

8 - 5:54  Right on 2:35 pace and feeling good.

9 - 6:00  Start of our cruise miles and feeling good still.

10 - 6:05  A bit of a hill, but still in cruise mode with Sean.  Another couple of runners run with us for a while but take off as we keep to plan.

11 - 6:05  Still feeling good, just taking it easy in the middle miles.

12 - 5:51  Second GU.  Push the pace back down to keep us on track.

13 - 6:03  Feeling good and just moving at an easy pace.

14 - 5:56  Right on target still.

15 - 6:07  First slower mile (sign of things to come) as my legs start to feel a bit heavy in my quads.

16 - 6:07  Still ok, but taking it easy but legs are feeling it.

17 - 6:17   Slower mile as legs are feeling the lactate build up.  This mile is "up" hill and into a headwind, so we don't worry too much.  Third GU to try and help with the legs and make sure no cramps come on later.

18 - 6:05  Reach the peak of the course, pass a couple of runners in this mile.  Still feeling ok.

19 - 6:08  4th gel as I take a few at the Powergel stop.  Feeling ok on the curves in this section.

20 - 6:11 Slowing now as my legs/quads start to feel the lactate acid building up.  Slowing up Sean but he is trying to drag me along.

21 - 6:23  Tell Sean to go for it as my legs are burning and I start to feel the onset of going anaerobic.  Take 5th gel pack.  Sign of things to come.

22 - 6:22 Try to push the pace, but no speed left.  Now looking for sub 2:40.

23 - 6:27  6th gel pack to stave off cramps as the lactate is killing my quads.  Just hang on for 2:40.

24 - 6:31  Just hang on and finish now!  Legs are trashed... but I can see the stadium.

25 - 6:28  Pushing to try and catch the guys who passed me and make dang sure the guy I passed at 18 does not get me back...this will not happen!

26 - 6:22 Push hard to get done fast. Crowds are picking up and this helps, as does seeing my family at 26.1 to get me the support for a kick at the end.

0.2 - 1:20 (5:41 pace)  Finish with all I have left to stay under 2:40.  Damn am I glad that is over.

Overall, feel pretty good with the result.  I learn that I probably went out too fast considering my winter distance training (nearly none of quality) and not training for this long and flat of a race.  I am used to hills and the ups and downs to give the muscle groups a bit of a rest. 

Head off with family and friends to watch Rachel finish the HM (1:59, beat her stated goal by over 10 minutes!!!).  Home for some lunch, time in the pool with the kids, beer and football games before dinner of Mexican food and margaritas.

Do I really have to head back to wintery Idaho on Tuesday!?!?

(Tangents - 126 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice and easy 4.3M run down around the fountain just to shake out the legs.  I feel really good, and running on a bit of hilly terrain was great on the legs.  Plus, I had to get one last run in the Arizona sunshine before heading back to the tundra in Idaho.

total time: 32:38  (Saucony Stratos - 109 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Easy 3M run around the fountain early (5:00am) before getting ready to leave AZ.  Not ready for the cold weather, but ready to get home.

Total time:  20:30 (estimate)  (Trigon - 156 miles; extra miles to count all our walking in these shoes)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Made it home yesterday on good roads all the way from SLC to Idaho Falls.  Good to be home, not ready for the 5 degree temp this morning!

8M run on the TM at the gym this residual soreness from Sunday's race left.  Most of the run at 6:27-6:10 pace with some 0.25M - 0.4M pickups at 5:40 pace and one 0.5M pickup at 5:00 pace.  Felt great!

total time: 50:15  (Trigons - 164 miles)

5M at lunchtime.  1.5M easy with Jeff Fogg then kicked it up to about a 6:50ish pace.  Overall a good run on a clear, very crisp day on slippery trails.  Legs are feeling great!

total time: 36:22  (Saucony T2 - 277 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

7.5M run this morning on the TM at the gym.  Good run with 8 0.25M pickups at between 5:00 - 5:50 pace.  Rest of the run at about a 6:25 pace.  Legs feel great and runs are really good. 

Total time:  44:50  (Saucony Trigon - 172 miles)

4.75M at lunch on very slick and snowy path around the river.  3M with Dan S at a decent clip for the conditions, then I picked in up for a while.  Met up with Dan again and we finished the last 0.25M at a 5:55 pace!  Way to go Dan!

total time:  36:27  (Saucony T2 - 282 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

10M on the TM at the gym at an easy 6:30 pace.  Roads were very slick and it was cold so I decided to go inside on my day off.  Listened to "Journey's Greatest Hits" and the album just ended when I stopped.  Good easy run for the TM.

total time: 1:05:00  (Saucony Trigon - 182 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

9.2M run early this morning with Jon Allen in dark on kinda slick roads and cold temps (~15 degrees).  Good easy run at a pace that we held a great conversation, nice to have the company. 

Heading to Ogden later today for my buddy's 40th birthday party.  May or may not get a run in tomorrow before we head back to IF.

total time: 1:09:50  (Fireblades - 65 miles)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
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