Philippians 4:13

Boston Marathon

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Idaho Falls,ID,USA

Member Since:

Apr 21, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

2007 St. George Marathon 2:32:06 (marathon PR)

2014 St. George Marathon 2:32:45 (close to old PR...7 years later!)

2014 Boston Marathon, 2:39:00, 298th OA, 8th AG, 1st Idahoan

2013 Lake Lowell Marathon, 2:48:34 (Course Record), 1st Overall (#6)

2012 Boston Marathon, 2:43:26 (HOT!!), 114th OA, 9th Master OA, 1st Idahoan

2010 B&A Trail Marathon (MD), 2:40:18, 1st Overall (#3), Master's Course Record (still!)

2010 Mesa Falls Marathon, 2:48:55, 1st Overall (#4)

2009 Pocatello Marathon, 2:37:22, 1st Overall (#2)

2011 The M.A.D. Marathon, 2:55:14, 1st OA (training run) (#5)

2006 Teton Dam Marathon, 2:50:48 1st Overall (#1)

2015 Hood to Coast Relay (195 miles), 1st Masters Team (6th OA), 19:59:57, 6:03 avg pace for the team

2008 Ragner Relay Del Sol (182 mile relay) 1st place team 17:04:37, 5:38 pace avg for the team

50,000 lifetime miles from spring 2000 to October 2019.  Computer logged 50,000 miles from Jan 2005 to September 12, 2020. 

Logged (on computer) 49,802 miles (2 x circumference of the earth) in ~5,700 days (8/23/20)

Logged (on computer) 24,901 miles (circumference of the earth) in 2,889 days (11/29/12)  

Short-Term Running Goals:

Keep on running, enjoy it for the sake of running, relax and enjoy  Stay fit as I enter retirement in  2025.

No racing, retired.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running until this old body says no, running for fun.


Retiring from my job of 33 years in March 2025.  

I started running competitively in 2005 and ran my first marathon in 2005. Now retired from competitive racing.

Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;

answer me, for I need your help.
Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.
Give me happiness, O Lord,
for I give myself to you.
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;
hear my urgent cry.
I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,
and you will answer me.  - Psalm 86:1-7

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Miles:This week: 10.00 Month: 49.00 Year: 331.25
Runs With Moxie Lifetime Miles: 13113.10
Vibram Five Finger Bikila Lifetime Miles: 137.80
Saucony Xodus 2011 Lifetime Miles: 982.61
Saucony Fastwitch White 2019 Lifetime Miles: 2250.68
Saucony Guide Yellow 2019 Lifetime Miles: 1204.75
Brooks Launch 6 Red 2020 Lifetime Miles: 2363.95
Nike React Infinity Black Flyknit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 1002.90
Nike React Infinity Blue Flynit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 669.00
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38 Lifetime Miles: 1287.50
Nike Quest Shield 3 2024 Lifetime Miles: 90.00
Race: Boston Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:43:26, Place overall: 114, Place in age division: 8
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Short report: 2:43:26 total time. Good enough for 114 overall, 103 male, 9th Master OA, 1st Idahoan (highest place by Idahoan since at least 2000).  

First and foremost, thanks be to God for the strength to run today in these conditions and to be able to use His strength for this accomplishment.

1:19:56 first half, 1:23:30 second half.  80 degrees at the start, but the heat did not bother me too bad today, I don't know why!  Ran solid, including a pit stop in mile 18 for my slowest mile.  Picked off lots of runners the last 8 miles. 

Feel like this is one of my best runs (probably my best RACE ever) ever considering the conditions (one of the 2 hottest Boston's ever!). 

FRB Masters Team took 4th OA...we kicked the defending champion Whirlaway Racing Team's ASS!!!!

Spent time with family afterwards. Saw Christine Kennedy, Tony Phillippi and Chuck Engle after the race.  An Italian dinner in the room and cupcakes from Sweet bakery.  Went to the PowerBar party...talked with the PowerBar folks (Chad, Dave, Drew, etc.), Josh Cox and Meb Kehflezghi (Meb and I talked for 10 minutes about running and being a Christian athlete)!  Quite a day.  More thoughts later...time for bed.

Details now (after awaking early and being sore).

Met up with Marlin, Rob, Steve and Walter at the Common and rode the buses to Hopkinton where we ran into Cash and spent the morning relaxing and chatting.  We saw Teena (always full of energy!).  Made our way to the start down a back street and found some private PoPs then got into the corral with about 5 minutes to go to stay out of the sun and 80 degree temps.

At the gun, we were deep in the corral and had to start slower and bumping elbows trying to find room to run, which was good and made us start conservatively.  Steve got anxious and bolted ahead and we never were able to hook up with Rob as Walter and I ran together. 

We got right on pace in the next few miles picking it up a bit and weaving through runners.  We were running well and strong but man the heat...taking lots of fluids and dumping water over our heads at every stop and from the folks in the crowd handing out water!  I saw Alana and Rocky at mile 6 and got a boost from their cheers.  I was so wet from all the water I was dumping over my head that my shorts with gels kept feeling like they were falling down around my butt!

About mile 7, we caught up with Steve and kept rolling.  About mile 8 I pulled away from the guys and just kept running consistently, feeling very strong and running with a nice easy pace.  Hit the halfway point in 1:19:56 and I was feeilng really good and ready to challenge the second half!   As we ran through Wellsely College, gave lots of high fives to all the girls!

I remember hearing lots of good music on the course and singing along a few times and having a big smile on my face!  There were several times myself and the guys around me would pump up the crowd and they would respond with roars!!  Several of the small towns along the route were every bit as loud as the run up Boylston.

I remember running a good race in my approach to the hills.  As I would hit an uphill, I would go to my quads and focus on knee drive and direct force to the ground and not hamstring activation, then on the downhill go back to my hamstring strength and fly down the hills.  It worked great, thanks USATF coaching clinic for the tip!

Hit the PowerBar Energy zone at 17 miles and saw the PowerBar folks (Chad, Tim DeBoom, etc.) and got a boost but had to take a pit stop just after to clear out from all the water Gatorade.  Felt much better and didn't loose too much time.  Ended up passing all the folks that I remember passing before so the stop paid off. 

The official water stops were plentiful, but the warm water and Gatorade were not!  I liked the spectators supply better because it was cold!  The last 5 miles I didn't drink any Gatorade because it just upset my stomach.

I felt very strong on the Newton Hills and up Heartbreak never wavering and passing folks and just easing up the hills at a good pace.  Once over the top and coming back down I felt great and was able to pick up the pace through Brookline and into Boston.  The hill at mile 25 sucked, but I knew I was almost done.  Once we hit the underpass at Mass Ave I knew what I had left and was all smiles!!

Picked off a few more runners on Boylston and was running well with no one behind me so I slowed to make sure I found my family in the grandstands!  Gave a wave and a kiss and thanked God for the strength today as I finished to hear my name and PowerBar mentioned on the PA!!

After finishing and walking the long walk to the gear bags and to get medals, food, water, etc. I was thanking all the volunteers for being out there, they make this possible too.  There were and incredible number of volunteers and medical folks in downtown!  Thanks Boston for a great race!

Overall probably my best race ever and an event I will never forget!

Splits: 6:30, 5:51, 5:57, 5:45, 6:02, 5:56, 5:56, 6:04, 6:01, 6:10, 6:21, 6:15, 6:15, 6:10, 6:15, 5:52, 6:24, 6:57 (PoP), 6:09, 6:28, 6:38, 6:00, 6:13, 6:11, 6:23, 6:29, 2:31 (0.4).

Saucony Tangent 3 2011 Miles: 26.20
From Rob Murphy on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:27:18 from

Once again, great race Jeff.

From runningafterbabies on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:28:32 from

Great job, Jeff. Not a lot of people can say it was one of their bet runs today. You clearly ran a smart, well executed race. Great job!

From Rachel on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:36:07 from

Awesome run Jeff, congrats!!

From Neil on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:49:59 from

Enjoyed following you online. Quite a performance in horrible conditions. You kept it together and ran strong while so many around you were falling by the wayside. Very inspiring!

From Adam RW on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:50:45 from


Amazing stats on a horrible day. It is great to see you keep in the top 10 despite the conditions. Great work.

From steve ash on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 20:51:16 from

Jeff, Well done even without the heat! You must be happy for sure:) Sheesh..

From fiddy on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 21:04:46 from

That was ridiculous. Allie and I were emailing back and forth "Jeff keeps going faster!"

From Superfly on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 21:18:11 from

Jeff I kept watching your updates and EVERYONE else I was watching kept falling off the face of the earth... But you kept it cool and ran a SUPER race for the day. Good job man! 1st IDAHOan... Dang, and I know you:)

From JamesH on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 22:42:19 from

Jeff, you are the MAN! Congrats.

From JPark on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 23:30:49 from

Very impressive Jeff, very impressive. Glad to see you had such a great race despite the harsh conditions. Relish the experience.

From Bret on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 01:18:53 from

Incredible Jeff - really impressive. I don't know how you did it when everyone else was so affected by the temperatures. Congratulations!

From Andy on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 04:16:11 from

Very impressive race.

From Rob Murphy on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 05:35:18 from

I just realized that your race is keeping the rest of us from using the heat as an excuse.

Take this report down now!

From Mark on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 07:00:54 from

Yeah, there was always that one kid in the class that wrecked the grading curve for everyone else.

PowerBar rocks.

Boston spectators are amazing.

The only drawback to this performance is that you'll have a hard time topping it, but that's not such a bad problem to have.

Congrats again Jeff, you are amazing.

From flatlander on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 07:04:10 from

Excellent race, congratulations.

From Tara on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 07:52:11 from

Wow! So happy to hear a positive outcome in such harsh conditions! Great job!!

From JFogg on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 08:09:34 from

Very inspiring run, my friend. We were watching you the whole way. I heard about the heat and was really hoping that you could somehow fight through it. You made us all proud. Dan and I went out and ran 6 miles at 6 min pace in your honor! We didn't have a GPS, but pretty sure it was 6 min pace :).

From Claudio on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 08:13:17 from

WOW what a superlative performance! congratulations!!

From Paul on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 09:12:49 from

Wow, fantastic race. I think you were the only person I was tracking who ran fairly steady splits. I agree, one of your finest races, if not your best. Great job in being top 10 masters. Congrats.

From MarkP on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 09:18:09 from

Super race against the field. Great job keeping your pace in those conditions.

From Fritz on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 09:42:44 from

Great job Jeff! Those long runs at 4:30 in the afternoon in the heat must have really paid off. :)

From Carina on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 09:44:10 from

Way to go!!! Awesome job and great race!

From scottkeate on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 09:54:08 from

Unbelievable performance, Jeff. I tracked your splits along with the others and was super impressed with how you handled the conditions. That time in that heat--you've got to have an efficient cooling system. Nice work!!!

From crhudman on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:20:55 from

You rocked it big time. I'm glad I get to run with the 1st Idahoan at Boston. You did an amazing job in the wicked heat. great, great run.

From Cam on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:32:47 from

What an amazing job. So strong. I want to race like this when I grow up! Super impressive. Best marathoner from idaho easily !

From Dave S on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:05:54 from

Wow! Amazing! Extra impressive to have such a good race on a day like that.

From Bec on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:11:54 from

You are amazing Jeff! You had such a great race despite the heat. Congrats.

From Rob on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:14:28 from

Wow! You would never guess that race report was from the same race as everyone else. Amazing job.

From Hamdog Alum on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:37:32 from

Amazing race. I can't believe how well you ran that 2nd 1/2. Truly amazing! Congratulations on a fantastic race.

From sflores on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:52:17 from


Great race! Man the temps here were crazy, I can't imagine running 26.2 in this! Hats off to you, you deserve the good result. Congrats again!

From derhammer on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:07:04 from


I am so happy for you. Wow, really an awe inspiring performance!!

From runninggray on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 13:07:30 from

Very awesome job Jeff. Guess you're just going to have to start racing in warmer climates because you rocked it out there! We'll have to toast to a great race when you get back and to what looks to be a great year!

From shellberns on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 13:20:23 from

Wow, nice job in spite of the heat! Tracking the IF runners was so inspiring. And, what an awesome example and experience for your kids to be able to see! Outstanding!

From JD on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 13:33:18 from

wow what a great marathon performance! i was watching everyone blow up in the final miles but your splits remained steady, even stronger as the race progressed. really impressive!

From I Just Run on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 13:44:37 from

Nice STRONG race and congradulations to the FBR Masters!!!

From Jake K on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 13:56:20 from

Amazing run Jeff - you are one tough dude and SMART racer. I was sitting in the tent checking my text updates and saw 2:43 and did a double take - I couldn't believe you ran that fast in those conditions. Awesome job - you should really be pleased with this performance.

From Andrea on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 14:11:45 from

So impressed with your race!!! Top 10 in masters is awesome. Congratulations!

From Scott Ensign on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 14:56:59 from

well done Jeff, very impressive. I tracked you the whole way and was very impressed by how you kept it together in that heat. you are awesome.

From seeaprilrun on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 18:09:58 from

Wow! The heat didn't bother you?! You are an animal! Incredible!

From Curt on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 18:47:15 from

Jeff you rocked it. What a great day to have such a good race. With your family there to share it with you is so awesome. You rose above conditions that so many others couldn't cope with. Congratulations!

From Rachelle on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:11:24 from

You ran a great race and it was great to meet you. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Congratulations!

From MichelleL on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 20:22:37 from

Wow, awesome splits! And FRB seriously had a masters team, and it won? Cool.

From Jon on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 20:54:55 from

Watching the carnage unfold online, I was amazed (but not surprised) to see you just keep trucking along. Great race- well deserved. Hope you enjoy this one for a long time.

From James on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 21:05:44 from

Good Race Jeff!

From Teena Marie on Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 22:48:13 from

I LOVED seeing you before the race!!! Being around all you AMAZINGLY fast runners got me excited to run!!! :)

Congratulations on an AMAZING race!!! :)

From jtshad on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 04:46:14 from

Thanks everyone for all the great comments and support. It was an amazing run with great friends sharing in the pain and excitement and I am proud of everyone of them.

This community on the blog is just a fantastic group of people, always there with an encouraging word and support. This is one of the reason I still run, to stay in contact with all of you!

Thanks again!

From Benny's on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 07:56:51 from

Great Job! Man! Strong RUNNNA!

From JimF on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 17:28:09 from

Awesome race Jeff! It was a really incredible performance given the conditions. You should be very proud of this race!

From rockness18 on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 17:38:12 from

9th overall master? You are my hero?

Sorry I couldn't touch base with you over the weekend...I had the whole family + visiting old friends in the area. One of these days I'll meet you in person. Great job!

From TBean on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 13:47:12 from

Totally impressive! Nice job representing Idaho and the blog.

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