Third kettle bell workout with Dave at Crossfit NRG. After 45 minutes of "warmup" (dead lifts, several dozen two-arm swings with various weights, single-leg squats, Turkish get-ups, then some single-arm presses and some squat presses), Dave had me do the following: 21 squat presses (12 kg) (I misunderstood and did 21 with each arm--big mistake) 21 toes-to-bar 15 squat presses 15 toes-to-bar/knees-to-elbows 9 squat presses 9 toes-to-bar/knees-to-elbows By about the 4th toes-to-bar on the first set, I was wasted. Things deteriorated from there. Unfortunately, my forearms seemed to be giving out first, so I didn't feel the burn in my hip flexors or abs on the toes-to-bar like I probably should have.
I'm still struggling mightily with the first motion of the Turkish get-up, as I try to use my abs too much instead of my hips and hams. Hopefully the form will start to come more naturally the more I do it. The single-leg squats are an amazing balancing/stabilizing exercise that really highlights my lack of balance/stabilizer muscles. After I showered, I talked briefly with James, who encouraged me to start coming to the WOD (Workout of the Day) sessions. I told him I was scared to do that after what Brooke has told me about them. James laughed and said, "Well, she's pretty intense." It was awesome. I'm not sure I can humble myself enough yet to do the WOD while people wonder who the pansy in the running shorts is, but I can definitely see the benefits of adding some strength to my one-dimensional fitness.