5 miles for lunch. Sun, 75F. Everyday gets a little warmer... 42:44/8:33 avg. 8:59, 8:34, 8:31, 8:17, 8:24 If you've got a couple of minutes, go check out Will's race report from last weekend. Read all his race reports. Good stuff. PM edit: I've been mulling through the race predictor here on the blog. It puts me right around 3:46 or so for the marathon, which I feel is right, it hits my 5k and half almost dead on. On a perfect day, I should be able to break 3:45. It just wasn't my day last Saturday at TOU. So I feel better about my current fitness being what I've worked towards. Now I just need to figure out why I ran out of juice at TOU. Fuel? Bad taper? Poor hygiene? Monster trucks?