AM: 11.2 miles, averaged 8:03. HR 159.
20' Tempo @ ~10-Mile Effort, 5' Jog, 8 x 2'On/Off
I dropped off my car to get a hitch mounted and found out two students were traveling for sports, so we rescheduled meetings and I was able to get my workout in in the morning, which I hadn't planned. It was warm. 70 degrees to start and 79 to finish with a dew point of 69 and the humidty starting in the 80% range and lowering to the 70% range. I did well in the conditions and felt very strong, even chasing down one of the park maintenance guys on his lawn mower.
Warmed up 2 miles and got into the workout. I turned my pace on to control the effort, making sure I was a bit slower than last week so I didn't blow up. Averaged 6:13, which was okay given the warm conditions and the pending 2' intervals. First lap was around 6:20, so the next two were around 6:10 or 6:11. HR 177. Took a 5' jog after hacking a bit and got into the 2' intervals, which were not super fast but strong and controlled. 5:52-5:46.
Lunch: 11-mile bike commute to campus. HR 154.
Faster than I would have liked a commute effort but I was running late. I ended up meeting with a student in my cycling kit, which you can really only do as an academic. I showered after.
PM: 11-mile bike commute. HR 134.
Picked up food for Oliver and grabbed my key from the trailer place to get my car. Did various errands and started dinner. Glad I didn’t head out for a PM run as Megan had a long day and was ready to eat. Dinner was ready by the time she got home like the good house husband that I am :-)