Long run this afternoon of 13 miles. It was a little chilly at around 50 degrees with windchills in the mid-40s, fall is definitely upon us. I had a tough time getting going, and it took well over 5 miles til I felt warmed up and my legs got in the swing of things. Finished the 13 miles in 1:33:34 or just faster than 7:12 min/mi pace. Splits are below: 1- 7:17.4 2- 7:37.3 (uphill) 3- 7:06.2 4- 7:15.4 5- 7:05.7 (36:22 or 7:16 pace) 6- 7:01.1 7- 6:52.5 8- 7:11.6 9- 7:13.0 10-7:14.2 (1:11:54 or 7:11 pace)
11- 7:06.0 12- 7:09.4 13- 7:24.0 (uphill) Overall a good run. Felt fine, legs did take a while to warmup but I found a groove in the middle of the run. Popped a GU around 8.75 miles in or so, definitely added a boost for the last 4. Half Mary 2 weeks from today!