AM - 8 Mall. Ran from home over to the strip mall to try and have about as flat as run as possible. Leg felt decent and held up okay over 8 miles. It actually hurts worse when I am not running. (F50 542.75) Week was a bummer; but I should take something positive and say that at least I am running a bit and it is improving a little. Goals for next week: get the leg healthy enough to actually run decent on. I would love to get into some workouts, but I think that may be further off than I want to admit. Ended up going in for a massage tonight. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. April said that the hammy had basically flipped... who does that? She thought she made a lot of progress on it - we'll see how much it helps. I am going back in Wednesday evening. I think I could have used about 5 more hours just on that spot.