AM - 6.5 Twix/track. Ran a short run with Twix and then to practice. Did the warm with the boys. Then I just ran with Nathan and Jose for a bit. I was pretty upset about some things from the team today, so it kinda made my day tough. However, it ended better.
afternoon - 4.5 track. Ran with Ry this afternoon after she decided to give her workout another try. Ran a warm then 4x400 at 1:16, :17, :18, :15. Then filmed her for a couple of her 100's and then helped her work on her kick. Finished with a little cool. It was warm out. The pace was good and pushed my hammy right to the edge (but not in to tightness, so that's good). Hadn't planned on running again this afternoon, so I had the same shoes. (Peg black 186.5)