AM - 4 Twix. Ran reverse with her this morning to mix it up a little. Kind of a drizzle throughout the run. Legs were pretty tired and sore decent pain in the achilles (must be the end of the week). Decided to keep it at four so the miles don't get way out of hand for me this week. As it is, I'll be near 70 which I haven't done in probably 6 months. Added yoga and abs at the end. (Cumulus 234.25)
afternoon - 9 track. Tempo on the track with an extended DI warm and a Blvd cool. The tempo was good. Pace was slower than what I've been doing; so no stress. Basically we were hitting a Tinman pace for the guys at 6:20 for 20 minutes. (Peg grey 245.5)