AM - 15 Tempo Loop. Pretty solid tempo this morning - especially compared to the last couple weeks. Started off pretty chill, but then the 2nd really wore me down. I tried to get going again on 3 and then I just sucked it up and said, "What would happen if I just push a bit more? The worst is I die off, but I could get a decent mile or two in." So I tried to be a bit braver and just push more and the body responded a bit. 1-5:46, 2-:54, 3-:43, 4-:44, 5-:45, 6-:42, 7-:32, 8-:36. Clyde was more human today and off for a few miles and I pulled up on him toward the end of 7, then suddenly he took off. But it was nice to be a bit closer to the guys today. (Ronin 290)
afternoon - 5.5 Chuckwalla. Nice and easy up to the point; felt like I was going to fall off (the pace of the team) because I was pretty tired, but I hanged in there. Then on the way back, I took the lead and pushed the pace a bit and had a lot of fun with the desert single track - always love it! (NB101 674.25)