AM - 11.5 Parkway/Mav. What a crazy night... Everyone in my house was sick and puking all over each other - epic! Ran the Parkway with some extension before practice and then over to practice, the warm up and then a 30 minute run and home. Never really felt great this morning. I probably have a touch of what Ry and Py had, but obviously not as bad as those sickos. Great first day of practice; now the challenge - keep as many as possible of the 65 that were there coming out, and hopefully snag a few more key people. (Barefoot '14 15)(Ronin 383.75) noon - 6 ND. Short turn around, but I had a nap and the girls wanted to go swimming, so I told them they could before I went running or after and they chose after. So I took advantage of a light cloud cover and the not as hot day to get the run in. Stomach still off a bit. (Landreth blue 1102.9) |