AM - 8 on Factory Stores run. Tired and crappy. A pretty bad run and I didn't want to do it. I am not in the correct mental state right now. I guess I'll just keep pushing through it. (Glycerin) evening - 5 on Washington Parkway. It was cold and windy with a hard driving rain. I really enjoyed it. For some reason it kind of broke up the monotony of running I am feeling right now. I am so mentally and physically drained. (Glycerin) I decided that I am going to do a few things with my running to help me break out of this rut. First, this week I am not even going to worry about running - I'll do it when I can and want. through all this hard training, I have lost the real reason I love to run and only focused on the training/racing aspect. Second, I am going to skip my 800's this week. I am physically too burned out to do them. And, I keep beating myself up because I keep putting them off. So I resolved to allow to myself to miss them this week. Hopefully this will get me feeling a littler fresher and stronger in the long run. Backing down this week may cost me in the short run, but it needs to be done. Thanks to those that responded the other day and noticed some trends in my training and running that I didn't since I was so involved personally. I think it takes someone on the outside to notice those types of things sometimes.