AM - 6 on treadmill with no incline. First half at 7:30 and took it up to 6:40. Both runs today are supposed to be 6 milers at 6:40 pace. I was worried that I wouldn't be anywhere near that after struggling earlier in the week - even during my easy runs. But once I got going it was no big deal. The quicker pace actually helped my hip flexors a lot. They have been a little sore - I think because of the slower pace and bad form from being tired. But moving along made me get my knees up and drive my legs a little more. Happy about the run. (Landreth 156.1) afternoon - 6 on dogpound from home. 1/2 mile warm up and then 5 1/2 at 6:40 pace. Hit all the miles at or below pace (downhill sections) except the 2nd uphill mile that slipped to 6:47 (but effort was still strong). I was pleased with today's runs. Both were good workouts, but not too hard. (Glycerin 400.75)