AM - 4x800's on the treadmill. Warmed up at 8:34 for 1/2 mile then took it to 7:30 for the next 1 1/2. Then decided to give it a try. 800's at 2:30 with 1% incline. 1st - felt a little hard, but got the legs turning over and moving. 2nd- probably the best of the 4 - felt stronger 3rd - still felt pretty good (for a moment even thought of maybe going 5) 4th - the thought quickly left. It was keep up or get thrown off. But I made it through. recovery between was 2:30 at 8:34 pace. Then ran 2 1/2 cool down at 6:58. Left quad did act up a little (soreness). I don't think I could hit this full workout on the track yet (maybe a couple at 2:30 and the others at around 2:35 ish). But the treadmill is teaching me quicker turnover and that I have to stay focused throughout the whole repeat. (used recovery drink)
afternoon -weights (regular routine)
W-152 RHR-43 (Cumulus) |