Yearly Mileage Report: The most miles I've had in my adult life (in a year) so far! 33.18 miles per week, on average (was averaging over 40 per week until I took off the last 6 weeks of the year, pretty much). Moving from 1 marathon a year to 5 ultras definitely took its toll on my body and mind, leaving me ready to be done by year's end. I ran 5 Ultra marathons this year (4x50k, 1x40 miles). All of them were tough moutain races. I also raced 3 hard half marathons and a few other shorter races as well. During one of these 1/2 marathons (which started downhill) I set my adult-life mile record, 5k record, 10k record, and ultimately, my half marathon record as well. This year, I became a stronger runner, but not much of a faster one (I neglected a lot of speed and tempo work-- Something I will not repeat in 2016!) At the time of this writing (A couple weeks into January of 2016) I am training well, watching what I eat, and reading as much as I can to make this year a strong year of growth and training!