WELCOME! WELCOME! I'm SO EXCITED you're here. YOU are a great runner and have so much to contribute. Look forward to reading all about your training. HAVE fun "leading" the group run on BST in the morning.
FLY WHATS UP!!! Welcome to the blog man. Just getting on to make sure of your address. I have been waiting for a long time to run BST. Should be a blast with Andy and you. Welcome again bro.
If your dream of a sub-3 marathon is a secret why did you post it on the WORLD WIDE WEB? I think that you are closer to achieving that goal than you think.
From Kimmy (HickGirl) on Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 14:20:28
Fly...Glad to have another post I can read. I look forward to reading about your sub-3 marathon!!!!!
Thanks again for putting this run together Fly. It was very enjoyable and a great change of pace. Also thank your wife again for coming and getting us at the end. She is awesome. Looking forward to doing another one with you and maybe a few more.
From DonGardinero on Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 16:05:49
Hey Fly...
Glad you made it over here. This blog is great motivation and it's a lot of fun keeping in touch with everyone and seeing what you all are doing for your training. Before I came here I had no idea how many miles everyone was putting in each week. I was astonished to see how little I did compared to everyone else.
Thanks for inviting me on that run. Wish I could have made it.
Yeah ... no way I am ever running with you boys. After reading everyone's insight on the run today I am 100% convinced that you are all too hardcore for me.
Super nice brutal run though!! WOW -- didn't even seem to phase you.
Well I was a bit sore yesterday and today feeling alot better. That sure was a good run. I am looking forward to running it again. Thanks again.
Mon, Nov 17, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
I'm following the Runner's World Advanced Half-Training Plan. I want to be faster than I am so I'm trying to push my paces. We'll see how I do. this was day 1 of the 9 week program.
1.5 mile warm up.
4x1 mile repeats @ 1/2 mary goal pace w/ 1/4 mile recovery (6:49-171bpm; 6:58-173bpm; 6:57-172bpm; 6:57-173 bpm) I would have liked to do this at about 6:47 pace but I was pushing as it was.
6x200 m repeats @5k pace w/ 100 m recovery (not on track, just used Garmin).
WOW!!! AWESOME intervals, VERY IMPRESSIVE splits. Day 1 looks very promising. 9 weeks huh? Is that 'till Painter's Half? Yikes! I better get my rear in gear Keep up the good work. THANKS for sharing. You're one talented runner.
Thanks for the encouraging feedback. I'm training for Painters, which is only 9 weeks away. I ran it in 1:34:33 in 07. I'd like to better that time. I'd really like to be just under 1:30 but I'm not that fast, as evidenced by the 6:58 split (insert winkey smiley face here). I'm trying to work my way toward that goal though. I'll see how my training goes then pick a goal time.
Nice workout Mark. I will be running Painters as well this year but your last year time of 1:34:33 looks pretty good to me for my goal this year. I think I came in around 1:38 last year.
No rude remarks here. Very impressive. Good job and good luck at Painters. I am sure you will do it.
Tue, Nov 18, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
After yesterday's speed work I thought I'd be more tired today, but I felt pretty good. Hopefully I'll be rested enough to put in a good effort tomorrow.
Not too tired is always a good sign. Can't wait to see how your workout goes tomorrow.
From kungfublonde on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 10:54:02
I started tarining for a half marathon that I'm registered to run on Feb 1st.Then I injured my knee and my foot. I'm hoping I can recover and train (starting at almost zero) and stillrun it. I'm not looking for fast, I'm just looking for a finish. would you mind posting a link to the training you are using?
Good luck with the foot and knee. Are they on the same leg?
This is the the training plan I'm using: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--6851-4-2X5X8-4,00.html
In the past I've used and really liked Hal Higdon's plans: http://www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/index.htm spell
From kungfublonde on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:34:25
Right foot, left knee. I'm able to do the elliptical glider most days for 60-90 minutes, and I do upper body and ab workouts on alternate days (push ups are out as I do them girl-style)
I'm hoping that when I can get back to running I won't have lost too much ground...
Thanks for the links. I like reading them the way I read cook books. I take in all the info then just go make up my own thing. :)
"...um, are your two totally adorable children palying with legs in that picture...? " I believe the pc term is prosthetic limbs. But, yeah they are legs. I found a whole bunch of them early one morning while on a run. After my run the whole family went back to the pile and we each picked one out to take home. Each Halloween there after we've give one away to a special friend or neighbor.
Our dog is a standard poodle. When standing on his hind legs he is taller than my wife. And no he doesn't have one of those bizzare haircuts.
... So a few blocks from my house is this rundown cinder block building with a sign that reads, Artificial Limb Co. I used to wonder if they really made limbs. Every summer we have a neighborhood cleanup day where you can put large items out on the curb for garbage pickup. I guess the Artificial Limb Co. was cleaning out one of its back rooms or something because they had a large pile of legs out on the curb. It was so bizarre that I couldn't resist going back and grabbing a few. If any runners with a modern prosthetic happens to read this blog, I hope they don't find this offensive. Perhaps I should change the picture? But I kind of like the odd juxtaposition of my "totally adorable children playing with legs."
From kungfublonde on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 18:06:58
It's a great picture. And I wondered if you were going to say they are yours. I was about to be AMAZED at your sspeed. But since they're not yours to use, I'm simply "impressed." :)
I've heard those are great dogs. Is it true they don't shed? My two tiny goofballs manage to keep this house in a constant state of hairy-ness.
It's true they don't shed. Their hair is like a persons and if you don't cut it, it will grow to the ground. This is the first dog I've had that doesn't shed. I don't miss the hair one bit and I breath easier as well.
3 miles at goal race pace 6:51-166bpm; 6:57-175bpm; 6:58-177bpm. I wish I was not working so hard at this pace :( . I wish my pace and effort could have both been lower
.25 mile recovery
2x1/2 mile repeats@10k pace w/ 200m recovery. 1st @ 6:31-182bpm, 2nd @ 6:33-180bpm. goofed and did longer recovery after 1st.
1.2 mile cool down with 4, 100m strides.
This was a hard workout for me. My legs were still a bit fatigued from Monday's workout. Hopefully by pushing myself I'll get faster and not just wornout or injured. Time will tell how my body deals with the stress.
I guess I am really not doing my speed work right if I dont feel "fatigued" a day later. Shoot that means I have to work harder! Can't we just get faster by wishing?
You must be doing it RIGHT. Don't you love it when you're textbook perfect?
Fri, Nov 21, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
6 miles w/ 4x100 strides. Ran from my house up City Creek and back.
8:31 ave. pace.- 148bpm
Up 10:30-137bpm, 8:50-149bpm, 9:25-155bpm.
Down 7:17-150bpm-150bpm, 7:16-155bpm, 7:48-150bpm.
Felt fine. With my "4-10" work schedule, the hardest part of running on Friday is just getting out the door. I spend the whole day pretending I'm a soccer mom driving my kids to and fro and running errands that It didn't have time for earlier in the week.
Great job getting it done with your super busy schedule. Looks like you got in a good hilly run too. You made each run "count", don't you. AWESOME dad and runner!!!
Sun, Nov 23, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Some days I feel like superman, some days I feel like a spud with running shoes. Today was the latter. I was running slow, my pulse was slow, but I was breathing hard. I don't get it. I didn't feel like I was having any asthma issues. I think part of my problem was I was too cold. It wasn't so cold (about 32) when I left but it felt like an arctic express was blowing down City Creek Canyon as I was running up. I didn't warm up to a comfortable point til about mile 10 or 11. I should have dressed warmer.... Oh well. This is not a complain, just an observation.
Ave. pace = 9:16 / 142bpm This is slow but perhaps not quite as slow as it seems considering the incline from my house up City Creek (or I'm just kidding myself). My slowest mile was 11:26, fastest was 7:23.
From kungfublonde on Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 15:29:04
If your slowest mile was 11:26, that's still pretty speedy for a potato :)
I notice the " 32 degree cold" now is different than the "32 degree cold" in Aug or Sept say at the start of Park City or TOU. That "arctic" cold must take longer to warm up. Good observation.
You're still one fast stud (er spud). Nice long run with some TUT (Tough Uphill Training)to boot.
I'm not sure what my resting heart rate is. At my desk this morning it was 60bpm. So it is something lower than that. If I think of it I'll check it in the morning.
I'm also not sure what my max heart rate is. I've had it up in the high 190s, maybe 198bpm, but that was with my old monitor. With my Garmin I've only gotten it up to 187 (at a 5k earlier in the month).... So go figure.
Mon, Nov 24, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Yesterday's CSMD (cold slow medium distance) run left me unmotivated today. Some co-workers were headed out at 11:30 so I joined them for my warmup, otherwise I probably wouldn't have made it out the door for several more hours. It's funny how a somewhat dreaded run can turn out so well!
1.5 mile warm up.
4x1 mile repeats @ 1/2 mary goal pace w/
1/4 mile recovery (6:48-160bpm; 6:48-167bpm; 6:48-167bpm; 6:46-171
bpm) I was shooting for a 6:47 pace and pretty much hit it. I was both faster than last Monday and had a lower heart rate. My first thought was, "something must be wrong with my watch." But I'll take it.
6x200 m repeats @5k pace w/ 100 m recovery (not on track, just used Garmin). According to Garmin I ran these faster than 5k pace, but I don't really trust the Garmin at these short distances. I'm not sure if faster is better for these short intervals?
1.5 mile cool down.
Comments or rude remarks welcome (and appreciated Gumpchump:) ).
For an unmotivated and dreaded run, you did AWESOME with IMPROVEMENTS from last Mon's speed workout. VERY NICE!!! Was that (following the co-workers) a motivation or peer pressure?
As for rude remarks... Hmm, what's with using Garmin for the 200m repeats? Couldn't you think of some other brilliant way to time and measure the repeats? I wouldn't know how. I was thinking may be I'd wear two watches. (OK, was that rude or silly remark or just a comment from dumbo me.)
Great workout Mark. You did great. I have yet to run a real interval workout with my Garmin yet. I still need to figure it all out. I am leary of using it too for the shorter distances too. I do feel better about the longer ones that is for sure. Great job again man.
Man alive ... how am I suppose to find any fault in that workout!! Stink!! Glad that Smooth had my back!! :)
I still don't get how your heart rate is so low. Are you just a freak of nature or is my heart rate too high?? You never did tell me what your resting heart rate was.
"Was that (following the co-workers) a motivation or peer pressure?" Running with these young ladies is a motivation :)
"I still don't get how your heart rate is so low. Are you just a freak of nature or is my heart rate too high?? You never did tell me what your resting heart rate was." I did, look at Sunday's blog. I will try to check my resting heart rate this week and my max heart rate at my Turkey Trot.
Max heart rate is genetically set and not an indication of fitness. The % of MY max heart rate is an indication of how hard I'M running. Either I'm not working hard enough or my max is lower than yours. What is your max and resting? Generally men have a lower max heart rate than women and older people a lower max heart rate than younger. So I probably have a lower max than you.
I think these are the norms,
Women: 226bpm -age, +/-15 or more
Men: 220bpm -age, +/-15 or more
"Do you program the workouts into your garmin?" I had forgotten I could do that. If I can find my manual or find the time and motivation to look it up on-line, I might try to figure out how. Are you a Garmin workout programing expert?
I am the programming unexpert. I tried to program Yasso 800s in, but I couldn't get the recovery lap to be a certain time. If anyone ever figures it out please let me know.
What part of Salt Lake are you in. I'm always looking for running partners and I am guessing by your many posts and your times we might get along splendley. I'm out in Draper most of the time.
Hi Matt, Who'd have thought I'd run into you here? By my "posts" I'm guessing you are referring to that crazy thread and not my running posts. Sometimes I read that other thread and feel a bit saddened and disheartened. Other times I read it and laugh, not a dark cynical laugh but a lighthearted chuckle.
In the spirit of the latter...
I live in a neighborhood that is surrounded by Brigham Young's grave, "the" Church's world headquarters, Temple Square, and the Utah State Capitol. Ironically this neighborhood is now described as "Utah's gayest gayborhood."
Had you suggested we run together last week when I first started reading that other blog thread, I might have thought you were crazy and hesitated. After reading more I am certain you are crazy and have no hesitation about joining you for a run, I would look forward to it!
For better or worse Draper is quite a ways from here. Do you ever find yourself around downtown on Friday or Saturday? (I also run on some Sundays if that works for you.)
Thanks for stopping by, Mark
From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 16:31:10
I believe the main two components of your max HR are aerobic fitness and neural drive. Increased aerobic fitness lowers it, increased neural drive raises it. Your race pace is also controlled by those two, except both improve it as they increase.
Decreased HR at the same pace is possibly good news, but do not get too excited. Aerobic gains, but you will not necessarily cash out on them as much as you hope. Decreased Max HR could be bad news - drop in neural drive with no aerobic capability change, or failure of the nervous system to fully utilize the newly developed aerobic capabilities.
Having said that - most healthy men that cannot break 3:00 in the marathon should be getting excited when their HR drops at the same pace. Your average male has plenty of neural drive to run sub-3:00 and is usually being held back due to the lack of aerobic conditioning. Which is why the blog standard "run easy pace for long enough 6 days a week, do not skip" has produced so many marathon breakthroughs.
Wow! I have an undergraduate degree in biology and am a doctor of optometry, meaning I have taken a lot of physiology and other science courses, and I had to read that 5 times before I kind of got it. You must be a genious physiology guy Sasha. It was very interesting to read though. I'm glad you posted it.
Thank you for the input Sasha. I am a self taught/ self coached runner with no physiology or sports background to speak of. I didn't start running til I was 35. Thus I am always hoping to learn more.
"...max HR... Increased aerobic fitness lowers it, increased neural drive raises it." But I have read that max heart rate can not be changed with training. How and why do you believe aerobic fitness changes max HR?
Can one, and if so how, increase neural drive through training? Also how much of neural drive is inherent to an individual/ how much of it is a "gift of God?"
Given constant or increasing aerobic training, do you believe max HR declines with age?
"run easy pace for long enough 6 days a week, do not skip" To run my marathon PR, 3:08 at St. George last year, I used Pfitzinger's 18 week, 70 miles per week or less (6 days a week) training program. I felt like I was getting in enough miles but didn't have the speed to go sub 3. (This year I ran the Slam and thus spent a lot of time recovering between races.) So my plan this year was to do more speed work and shorter races while training for a half (Painters). Then either another 1/2 or full in spring followed by hard training for St. George using the 70 mile, 18 week program with overall faster paces and/or more speed work. ANY THOUGHTS or RECOMMENDATIONS?
Again thank you for the comments. And thanks for setting up this site.
Fly on the Wall
From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 20:32:27
My max HR in 2000 was 191, best marathon 2:35:46 on TOU course, old Draper Days 5 K 15:59, HR at marathon pace around 160. By 2004 it dropped to 172, best marathon was 2:24:47 (St. George), TOU course 2:27:46, old Draper Days 5K 15:37, HR at marathon pace 157. A slight loss of aerobic fitness allowed me to hit HR of 175 at the top of the hill in Strider's 5 K in 2006, the time was 17:06, probably worth 16:00-16:10 in Draper Days. I have not seen it higher since, but not much lower. I can still hit 172 on a good day. I would agree that it would be difficult, although not impossible, to raise max HR with training, but it is very easy to lower it.
My resting HR has always been 48 since teenage years (I am now 35). I can get my heart to hit as low as 44 for a minute with a trick - very light exercise for 30 seconds, then wait about 45 seconds or so and count right then. But it is never below 48 for any significant period of time.
Given the same level of aerobic conditioning, or even more relaxed constraint - given the aerobic conditioning is good enough not to be a limiting factor of running performance in an all out mile, Max HR declines with the loss of the neural drive, which eventually happens as you age.
Neural drive responds to training some, but not nearly as well as aerobic conditioning. To develop it you need to run fast. Hill sprints, interval work, even tempo runs help. You also need to sleep well, and avoid stress. The trick to training the neural drive is that when you reach a nervous system overload, the symptoms are very difficult to notice.
There are also different aspects of neural drive, just like with the muscle fiber itself (fast-twicth/slow-twitch). There is explosive power aspect, and there is sustained power aspect. It is easy to mistake the lack of sustained neural drive capability for the lack of aerobic conditioning. The only difference you'll see is aerobically unconditioned runner during interval work will have his HR very high for a while after the interval, while the neurally weak (endurance wise) runner will have his HR drop very fast, but still will not be able to hit a fast time on the next interval. The aerobically weak runner will run faster if you give him a longer recovery, while the neurally weak runner will not.
To see if your problem is aerobic conditioning or neural drive run an all out 100, 200, 400, 800, mile, and 5 K, and post the times. Do not do it on the same day, of course, except maybe for 100 and 200. Wear an HRM during the mile and the 5 K and record the patterns.
I would, however, guess, that your aerobic conditioning is still not where it should be. If you did 70 miles a week of easy running for a couple of years with no off-season, it would get there.
Tue, Nov 25, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
5 EZ miles without a watch. My running mates pushed the pace a bit and I felt a bit fatigued.
Andy may show for the kid's k. Kathie, will any of your family be there? I'm not sure if it will be just me, me and my daughter, me and my son and daughter, or if my wife and/or mother-in-law will go as well. To further confuse myself, I'm not sure if or which kid will run which race. I ask because I may need a place to park a kid or two while I run the 5k. Oh well, one way or another it will all work out.
Fly I will be there with my daughter, Mom, Kimmy and her daughter. We are all running the 5k. I think that the rest of my family is going to play flag foot ball so they will not be there but if we have an extras come to cheer we are always up for watching kids.
South Davis Recreation Center Thanksgiving Day 5k and Kid's k. It says all of that on the shirt.
My daughter and I went to this together. The night before she decided she wanted to run the kids k. She has run 1 mile, 3 times in her life, twice last year and once this year at school. When we arrived to sign up there was some question as to weather a 9 year old could run the kids k. The kid taking the money said no, but his boss said no problem. So I signed up for the 5k and she for the 1k.
I ate a caffeinated gel, did some warm-up laps around the parking lot, stripped down to shorts and a top, and after one quick to the loo I was ready to go chase that sub 20.... To cut the chase, here are my splits: 10:25-131bpm; 11:59-126bpm(included a quick stop for a drink); 11:17-128bpm; last 0.1 mile sprint 8:26-151bpm. TOTAL TIME 34:33
So, a few minutes before the start we ran into UtahRunner, HickGirl, HickGirl's 9 year old daughter, and their mother/grandmother. HickGirl's Daughter (she is one fast girl) was running the 5k because she was 9 years old and thus too old for the kids k. My daughter had been sitting on the fence the whole time as to which to run. I think part of her hesitation on the 5k was because she didn't want to make daddy run slow with her. Anyway with about 5 minutes before the gun she and we decided to run the 5k together. She did great! Other than breaking stride for a cup of GatorAde she ran the whole thing. I could tell her legs were a bit tired after 2 miles but she really picked it up for a sprint to the finish! So it turned into and Daughter-Daddy 5k, how cool is that!
3 miles at 1/2 race pace. But I was running up, then down hill so my paces were way off, as expected. 7:49-164bpm; 7:40-168bpm; 6:27-168bpm. 200m recovery.
1/2 mile interval 200m recovery. 5:50- 175bpm max. Down hill!
1/2 mile interval 200m recovery. 5:51- 176bpm max. Down hill!
1.53 mile cool down. 141bpm.
Felt good, as I should after a few easy days.
Sat, Nov 29, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
14.5 miles up to the end of City Creek road. Average pace up and down- 8:50. 152bpm average.
Miles 12 and 13 at sustainable(?) fast downhill pace. 6:34-165bpm. 6:22-169bpm.
My legs were a bit tire heading uphill but felt pretty good. (If I wrote these training blog entries on the run, they would not be nearly so optimistic :) )
From DonGardinero on Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 18:24:49
Great run man!!! I really need to get out and run some hills. I've been a flatlander since St. George.
FFI #2- 0.26 mile, 174bpm max; 100m recovery; 0.75 mile, 6:38-172bpm ave; 200m recovery; 1.25 miles, 6:56-170bpm ave. Head Wind
This was a tough workout! I would have liked to been faster on the 2nd set but strugled. Not sure why but I didn't eat as well as I should have at breakfast, didn't sleep well last night (dog woke me up several times), head wind...?
From DonGardinero on Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 10:54:14
LOL your awesome man. Great run. You got some good speed on those interval man. Nice work. All that hill training is making you such a good fast strong runner.
Fatigue Fighter Intervals are cool. Maybe I'll try some for my speed work. Looks like you are going to be ready to blast through Painters. Keep up the good work.
I hope so Rhett. But who knows what race day will bring. What I do know is that I'm always faster while sitting at my desk thinking about running, than when actually running.
How fast do you do 100m repeats? I notice they were in the marathon training I did last year and I was never sure if I was suppose to be going all out or not.
Rhett, Just that you are there with a big stick will keep me from slacking:)
Kathie, This is what the plan says: "Over 100 meters, gradually accelerate to 90% of all-out, hold it for 5 seconds, then decelerate. Walk to full recovery after each." I'm not sure I do them just as stated. What I shoot for is, over about 100m build up to a very strong effort, hold it, then slow back to an easy pace. I haven't been walking afterwards.
You're following the training plan to the T. We are gonna follow (er, watch) your training very closely. Better not disappoint us. No pressure.
Wed, Dec 03, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
1 mile warm up, 9:14-129bpm. 4 at 1/2 mary pace, 6:47-168bpm. 0.8 cool down
Pace miles splits:
1 6:46-161bpm
2 6:47-169bpm
3 6:46-171bpm
4 6:46-173bpm
I kept my pace close to goal (6:46) but I was working too hard and I was getting tired as can be seen with my rising heart rate. I cant imagine keeping this pace for 13.1, especially with some of the little hills at Painters. Hmmmmmm.....
NEW PICTURE at left. It's our white Christmas of a few years ago. The mountains are shades of gray and the valley floor is white. Went spent xmas camping in Death Valley. I know what your thinking but don't worry, Santa found us.
I'm still seeing your kids with the legs. Must be my computer.
Those are very nice even splits for 4 mile tempo. Yes, you can imagine running that pace for 13.1. No, you won't keep it at that pace. On the uphill you'll be running 6:56 or 7:06; on the downhill you'll be doing 6:36 or 6:26, blah blah blah. Factor in the adrenaline, you will be running 6:06 a good portion of the course. It's only week 3 of your 9 weeks schedule. There are still 45 days to train. I'd say you're right on target. Unless we catch you slacking. :)
From DonGardinero on Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 21:21:51
Cool picture!!!
I was thinking the same thing when I ran that 5k last week. I was planning on running Painter's between 9:45 and 10:00 min pace. I might have to bump that up a little. But who knows, maybe the lower elevation help me. It usually does.
You know you will ace Painters and you know that you will keep whatever pace you need to (isn't that what you always do? Yes.).
Btw, on a side note: I now and then look over some of the comments on the infamous never-ending discussion where you occasionally post. I know myself well enough to know that I have to be careful with what I say and to whom or I can cause myself a lot of restless nights (horrible that I let things bother me so much sometimes when I feel strongly about something). Anyway, I appreciate your "off the cuff" comments. I love that people can discuss such topics, but hate that religion can cause so much hurt. Anyway ... I have already said too much.
Just to clarify what I said ... I do love religion, especially when it is used to love, serve, and uplift others (which I believe is what its purpose is). I have just seen it inappropriately used(in history and in my personal life)more often than I would like to admit. That's all.
(I actually tried to delete my previous comment, but the computer wouldn't let me. I have no problems having these type of conversations with individuals, but am not quite comfortable in a situation like this.)
Hope you don't think I'm crazy!!
I'll stick to running and pullup conversations from now on!! :)
Great work out man. That was a tough run. I havent ran Painters so not sure what goal pace I will have. From what it sounds like your going for a 1:30 that would be awesome. Clean clear plans. You will do awesome.
Cal, I don't know of an elevation chart but there are a couple of course tools for it.
Log in, click on the "course tool" link on the left, click on the "show all courses link," then search or scroll down and you'll find tools for Painters 08 and 07. You probably already know all this but if you click on "Analyze" you can enter a goal pace or finish time and it will provide split times adjusted for elevation change.
I haven't yet figured out how the tool works and I'm not sure how accurate it is. The splits given for 07 and 08 are a bit different.
I'm with Smooth ... where's the pullups??? (Remember, you are the one that solicited constructive criticism ... or did you say "rude remarks?") Either way, Smooth and I want to know!!
Ok, ok, ok.... I'm terrible about strength training. Teena, is there an official place to post pull ups? (I do appreciate the constructive criticism and the past attempts at rude remarks have made me laugh a happy laugh :) )
The master list (which I need to update today) is on my entry for the 28th (I think). So you just tell me your baseline and I will put it in.
Sat, Dec 06, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
It was the dark of night when I drug my sorry butt out of my nice warm bed.... I
suited up in some toasty tights, related running apparel, and my headlamp; ate a
gel for breakfast; and jogged a warm-up mile to the starting line of Our Lady of
Lourdes' 20th Annual Leprechaun Lope 5K. It was dark and chilly but it wasn't
crowded. It seems I was the only one to show up 3 months early for this race.
But my training plan called for racing a 5k and that's what I was going to do,
even if there weren't any in this part of the valley on this day.
race starts just east of the capitol and runs around City Creek and then back
down to end in Memory Grove. I lined up in the very front, right on the starting
line, or at least somewhere near where it will be in 3 months. The voices in my
head yelled "go" and I was off. This course starts with a short but steepish
incline followed by a mile of gentle incline, then a half mile of a bit steeper
incline. After the turnaround it's all down hill to the finish. I started strong
and took the lead. I held the lead for the whole race to finish 1st in my age
group, 1st masters runner, 1st male, and 1st overall. Unfortunately I was also
last in my age group, last masters runner, last male runner, and last overall.
Here are my splits: mile 1 - 6:46-171bpm uphill. mile 2 - 6:41-171bpm
steeper uphill followed by steeper downhill. mile 3 - 5:58-175bpm bombing
downhill. mile .1- 5:46-177bpm
And now the punchline, my final Garmin
time was 20:00! Exactly the same
as my 5k PR and exactly they same as Huans' Garmin time at his Turkey Trot. I
still haven't run a sub 20 5k. Hoping that I hit the stop button a second too
late, I tried to check the official results but they won't be posted for another
3 months!
Note: I'm not sure if this course is faster or slower than a flat 5k. On
an out and back course I don't think you can recover speed lost going uphill
when going downhill. However this course has a net elevation loss, so it very
well could be faster than flat.
Fly, you are TOO FUNNY!!! I LOVE your "race report". You crack me up about "showing up 3 months ealy because your training schedule calls for a 5K race". Quit being so dang consistent! even the 20:00 was freakishly consistent. I am certain that you will get your sub-20. What a hoot! GREAT JOB & CONGRATULATIONS for being the FIRST and LAST at your 5K race this morning. You're AWESOME! Love reading your report as always.
Okay ... here is the real question Fly (this is of extreme importance): Did you look at your time on your watch before you pushed stop? Or ... did you push stop before you looked? If you looked before pushing I am 100% convinced that you actually ran a 19:59.6666. However, if you pushed before looking ... well ... at least you are consistent!!
Fly - I know you would have been so much faster with someone to push you... well maybe not if you are self motivated enough the throw your own 5k you might run really fast without any competition. I for one need someone on my tail to push me.
Nice job man. We will have to run another 5k to help push each other. We are so close to breaking that sub 20. Great report cant wait to read the one in 3 months.
I can't wait to hear the official results either. I'm sure it will come in at 19:59. Anyways, there truely is something to be said for running in a pack and you did that by yourself. You would have been a good 20 seconds faster with others out there pushing you. I'm calling it a 19:40.
Sun, Dec 07, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
I was not very motivated so I ran trails, which are slower, steeper, and more inspiring. Legs heavy but I did find a bit of second wind toward the end of my run.
From DonGardinero on Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 11:40:13
Where did you run your 10 miles? How was it?
Mon, Dec 08, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Planed- 3x1.5miles @ 6:30 pace with .25 mile recovery.
Actual- .5 mile "warm up".
1.5 miles, I couldn't keep it anywhere near pace. I was at 6:53-163bpm. It was
snowing hard enough that I couldn't see very well. The snow was sticking
well enough that the trail was slick and snow packed. My legs felt
heavy. I was unmotivated. I felt tired all day.
.25 recovery
1.5 miles even worse than the first.
.25 recovery
1.75 miles. I started running it as an interval but it sucked.
My heart rate monitor fell off and I threw in the towel when I hit a red light
with traffic at a street crossing.
I'm not sure what I achieved with this run. In retrospect I'd have been
better off doing my speed work the next day. As it is I will either run
very easy tomorrow or just take the day off to regain my composure and
hopefully motivation and speed.
As a side note, a colleague was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about one month
ago. This is a wicked disease with an average prognosis of 3 to 6
months. He started experimental Chemo Tuesday and died on Thursday.
A dark reminder to be thankful for all that I've got.
From DonGardinero on Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 13:26:30
I hope things go better for you today or tomorrow. I'm still debating whether or not I want to run today.
Some days are like that. The mind is such a funny thing. It's good to be flexible with our training. We never know what life throws at us. Sorry to hear about your colleague. Hey you still got 5.75 miles done with 3 at mp. You will have a better workouts today.
From kungfublonde on Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 21:34:48
That is much better than my 6 sets of "none"
From kungfublonde on Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 21:38:17
p.s. That is a great link. Neutral-grip is my fave.
Wed, Dec 10, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Training plan called for 6 miles with alternating 2:00 to 3:00 minute long intervals at 6:30 pace w/ 1:00 min recovery. I substituted a 4x4 work out because I had 2 running mates join me today- 4 @ 4 minutes fast, ~2 min recovery.
I felt great. These are the days that keep me running. I think yesterday's rest really rejuvenated me. And it was a beautiful crisp day. Only a bit of ice remaining on the trail.
1.4 mile warm up.
0.62 miles at 6:33 pace 169bpm max, ~0.2 mile/2 min recovery
0.63 miles at ~6:30 pace 176bpm max, ~0.2 mile/2 min recovery
0.64 miles at ~6:20 pace 177bpm max, ~0.2 mile/2 min recovery
0.62 miles at ~6:18 pace 181bpm max
1.2 mile cool down.
I've run this workout on the same loop many times with one of the these runners, but we haven't done it in a year or so. He is quite a bit faster than me in 5 Ks. Usually I just try to keep up with him on these work outs. Today I was the rabbit and finished ahead of him every time. I would have thought he was just making me feel good, but my heart rate was also about 5bpm slower than his for the first time (we, at least used to, have about the same max heart rate).
Sweet run! And you picked up the pace with each repeat. Don't you love it when it all comes together and you have a great day? I just wish that would happen on race day more often.
Mark, Yeah that's the same guy that ran ahead of us. I'm sure he'll still kick my buttocks at the next 5k.
Teena and Smooth. I've just been really busy as of late. I've been getting my runs in but only just now posted them.
Thu, Dec 11, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Just 4 EZ recovery miles. Felt fine.
Fri, Dec 12, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
6 miles up City Creek with 6x100 strides. 8:34 ave pace (up & down), 145 bpm.
Sat, Dec 13, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Planned rest day. Long run tomorrow morning.
Sun, Dec 14, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
15 miles. Because of the snow and ice I mostly stuck to plowed roads and sidewalks, but because of the snow and ice there was not much traffic on the roads. Ran down hill and past Temple Square, up Memory Grove, around and up 11th Ave.
Miles 9 to 13 were supposed to be at goal pace of 6:47 (I cheated and ran downhill):
9 - 6:46, 160bpm, a bit downhill.
10 - 6:46, 167bpm, a bit downhill.
11 - 8:15, 165bpm, half mile uphill and half mile downhill. The uphill was extra slow due to snow and ice. It was just too slick to push my pace.
12 - 6:41, 166bpm, downhill with snow and ice.
13 - 6:44, 168bpm, downhill with a little snow. I hit both lights green when running into downtown.
I really bogged down coming back in that last mile or so. I think I was running out of fuel. I only ate part of a package of sports beans and they didn't sit very well.
From kungfublonde on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:15:39
Lickety-split, I tell you!!
"sports beans" made me laugh. I've never heard of those. And apparently I have funny bone of a 3 year old.
An awesome long run with great paces and some hill workout. It's easy to forget what and when to refuel with the first long run of the winter. I tried sport jelly beans once and they seem to take longer to absorb. I think you'd have to "spread" it out, like eat 6 every mile.
Mon, Dec 15, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
A cold run on a chunky Jordan River Parkway.
The temp was about 27 but the wind was about 20 mph, which made it a bit nippy. Luckily I dressed for it.
I swaped my speed work from today to tomorrow. Hopefully the weather tomorrow won't be too terrible.
Way to get out there in that miserable weather. And nice run Sunday. You really rocked that workout. 6:47 goal pace, what is the time goal there, 1:28?
Good run. Is your "today" Mon Dec 15 as posted? Cause Tuesday which is your "tomorrow" is now today Dec 16 and the road condition is worse. No way I could have done any kinda speed work on the road. I'm hoping for better weather tomorrow (Wed) too.
Today is Tuesday and the conditions were slightly better on this section of the Jordan River Parkway. I did my speed work and will post about it in a moment or three.
Rhett, My pie in the sky ultimate goal is to run 2:59:59 at St. George. So I entered this time into Sasha's Utah race time predictor and have been using the predicted race paces at various distances as training goals. For example enter 2:59:59 and it predicts 1:29:00 / 6:47 for a flat half in Salt Lake.
Painter's is not flat but it is about 1,700 feet lower than Salt Lake. So, I'm training for a 6:47 pace. Who knows what I'll actually be able to run, but that's what I'm aiming for. I keep thinking about how hard those little hills are going to be.
Fly, I can never gauge hills by elevation charts. Sounds like you have run Painter's. How are the hills and where do they fall in the race?
With as hard as you have been working and knowing how good a shape you are in, especially after the grand slam yesterday, I think you can definitely go sub 3 at SGM in O9.
I don't remember any significant hills, just a bunch of annoying little ones. Just enough to make you question your pacing if you are already pushing it. Have you looked at the course tool for Painter's?
On the calendar page after you sign in, there's a link to Course Tool to the left. Click on Course Tool and find a lists of many races other bloggers have posted about various courses. I'll try to link it here and see if it works.
FFI #2- 0.25 mile, 6:10-171bpm max; 100m
recovery; 0.75 mile, 6:30-169bpm ave; 200m recovery ( wet, muddy road
to snowy trail); 1.5 miles, 7:01-171bpm ave (1mile snowy trail. then
1/2 mile on trail with only limited snow and ice, kept 6:47 pace on 2nd
I felt pretty good considering these intervals are not easy. My paces
were off but this is expected when running on a few inches of lumpy, previously trodden snowy.
For this run I used screw shoes (http://www.skyrunner.com/screwshoe.htm). Those would be an old pair of running shoes on which I have put short screws into the sole. They work like studded snow tires and help the shoes grip on ice. They are not perfect but feel more stabil than just the rubber lugs and I like them better than my STABILicers.
Mark, you're amazing! Speedworkout on cruddy snow trail! Take a look at that 6:10!!! You are SO ready for Painter's.
AWESOME FFI workout!!!
Hmm, I might have to try the screw shoes thingie. With all that remodeling we've done lately, I'm sure I know how to screw my shoes. Any trick to 'em besides short screws and a screw driver? How many or how far apart would you say the screws need to be?
"Any trick to 'em besides short screws and a screw driver? How many or how far apart would you say the screws need to be?" I have no idea. Just guess and try em out. You can always add more or take some out.
You all are seriously putting regular screws into your old shoes??? Hmmm ... interesting. Will you post a pic of your shoes fly?? I work better with illustrations!! :)
LOL quick and strong young lady I would say. Nice job getting out.
Thu, Dec 18, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
1 mile warm up.
3 min at 10k pace, 1 min recovery, 2 min at 10k pace, 1 min recovery... repeat for about 6 miles.
1.5 miles cool down.
I had trouble finding my 6:29 goal pace. Intervals ranged from 6:16 to 6:27 on trail with patches of snow and ice and 6:49 to 7:13 on the un-groomed, lumpy-snow covered sections of trail. Heart rate during intervals was 171 to 173bpm (after the first two). My recovery heart rate was 162 to 166 bpm. This workout wore me out.
The fact that you are doing speed work on the terrain that you are is very impressive. The pace is irrelevant, it is the effort that counts and you are definitely putting in the effort.
Actually I was just running on the Jordan River Parkway. After about 10th North the trail is not plowed. And the pavement ends a bit beyond that. But there is no elevation change.
Fri, Dec 19, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
6 miles with 6x100 strides. Up City Creek and back. Going up the wind was at my back. Going down the wind was in my face and it started snowing hard.
I'm with Mark on this one! When I can actually hear the wind howling inside of my nice cozy bed ... that's my sign to hit the treadmill.
Sun, Dec 21, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
16 miles through downtown, up City Creek, and back. I ran up past where the road is plowed and I had fun post-holing in nice powder that came to just below my kneecap. But that was a whole lot of slow, hard work so I turned back before I made it to the 8 mile mark. On the way back in I did a loop around Temple Square to make up for the lost 1/2 mile. I really enjoyed my run today. For those of you in warm climates, running in a winter wonder land can really be wonderful.
EZ start.
Miles 5 - 11 I alternated 1 minute hard pace with 1 minute recovery (should have done 6:29 pace but this was not possible with the hill and snow).
This was my long run for the week. (By necessity my weeks start on Monday). I did not set the Garmin to beep every minute. That would require reading the directions... and I probably wouldn't hear the beep anyway. I just look at my wrist a lot.
From DonGardinero on Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 18:29:47
Nice run Fly!!! Wow, you ran just about everywhere today.
You're getting fast Fly. Nice marathon paced miles there near the end of a 16 mile run. Wow!
Mon, Dec 22, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
I'm fatigued from yesterday and thought about delaying my speed work
til tomorrow. But with the predicted snow and holiday family
activities I thought I'd better get it done before I have even more
Goal: warm up, 4 intervals- 0.75 mile @ 6:29 w/ 200 m recovery, 2 intervals- 200 m @ 6:13 w/ 100 m recover, cool down.
1 mile warm up.
0.75 -6:26, 161bpm
0.75- 6:27, 168bpm
0.75- 6:31, 170bpm (slowed to cross road)
0.75- 6:47, 165pbm - just didn't have it in me to keep pace. It started snowing and this just slowed me down for some reason.
0.12- 5:42, 169bpm max (Garmin pace unrealible for this short of distance)
0.12- 5:47, 169bpm max (Garmin pace unrealible for this short of distance)
0.57 mile cool down.
stayed on the plowed sections of trail and only had to deal with
patches of slush. Though some of this slush was deceptively slick.
Looks like you were able to keep your pace pretty well even with the dead legs. Nice work out. I too am trying to juggle my normal running schedule so I can make Christmas Day a rest day and still get in my important runs.
From RivertonPaul on Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:23:58
AWESOME long run and speed workout earlier in the week. Hope you had a great Christmas.
Wed, Dec 24, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Not feeling 100% today. I feel like I'm fighting off illness. Plan calls for 2 sets of intervals but I did not finish the second set.
1mile warm up.
0.25- 6:10, 100m recovery
0.5- 6:16, 166bpm, 200m recovery
0.25- 6:17.
0.55- EZ.
0.25- 6:06, 100m recovery
0.5- 6:42, 171bpm, I waited to long to post this and can't remember exactly why I fell off pace other than I know I was starting to catch a cold or something and I was tired.
1.31- just running back in and licking my wounds...
Thu, Dec 25, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Feliz Navidad.
Sat, Dec 27, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
I've a strange cold or some such thing. I don't feel terrible but I don't feel good. A bit of a sore throat and a very swollen uvula. My training plan called for a 10k race today but I don't feel up to either a real race or a pretend one.
4.13 miles, 1 of which was at a quicker pace.
Sun, Dec 28, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Still feeling ill but not ill enough to stay in.
12 miles through downtown, up City Creek, and back. Middle 4 miles at increased effort (not quite race effort). Mile 8 was at goal race pace of 6:47 but downhill.
Nice run fly. Sorry to hear you are feeling ill, get will soon.
Mon, Dec 29, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
Still not feeling 100%. I thought about taking a nap instead of running but decided it might only get harder to find my way out the door later in the week. Plus this should be a big training week for Painter's. I did fine and felt better after the run than before the run.
Plan called for 2 FFIs. Ran on Jordan River Parkway. Stayed on the plowed sections. Only patches of slushy ice.
#1- 0.25 mile, 6:11-167 bpm max; 100m recovery; 0.75 mile,
6:27-166bpm ave; 200m recovery; 2 miles, 6:49-171bpm ave (would have been on pace w/out U turns); 0.58
mile recovery. Some wind but not too bad.
FFI #2- 0.26 mile, 6:11-173bpm max; 100m
recovery; 0.75 mile, 6:29-169bpm ave; 200m recovery; 2 miles,
6:50-170bpm ave (6:54 & 6:46) (would have been close to pace w/out U turns). Pushed very hard at the end.
I hope you get feeling better fly! You are a better man than me to get out when you are sick.
From DonGardinero on Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 14:50:41
Great job. I love reading all the details of your runs.
Tue, Dec 30, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
1.55 miles warm up.
3 miles at goal pace (goal = 6:47). mile1- 6:46, 165bpm. mile2- 6:46, 174bpm. mile3- 6:47, 177bpm. ave=6:46, 172bpm. (180 bpm max).
1.7 miles cooldown.
I'm feeling better but still clearing out some phlem (gross). I was able to keep pace today despite yesterday's intervals. On the other hand I was starting to get tired after only 3 miles. Tomorrow's run is supposed to include 5-6 miles at goal pace, yikes.
Wow! Back to back to back hard runs! Those RunnersWorld people are trying to kill you with their 1/2 marathon plan. I'm sure it will only make you stronger and faster though.
Phlem and goal pace miles two things I always look forward too.... :(
Wed, Dec 31, 2008
Easy Miles
Marathon Pace Miles
Threshold Miles
VO2 Max Miles
Total Distance
1.5 mile warm up.
6 miles at goal pace (6:47). I didn't keep the pace. 1-6:49,162bpm. 2-6:48,170bpm. 3-6:52,172bpm. 4-6:56,173bpm. 5-6:58,173bpm. 6-6:51,173bpm. average-6:53,170bpm. 6:51 would get me a sub 1:30 half. So I was 2 seconds off that pace and 13 seconds off my goal pace. On the bright side, this was after 2 days of speed work.