am: 9.5 total. met for ANOTHER workout. 2 warm and cool with 3sets of 800, 400, 200. on old man hills. but coach had us do these a bit slower than usual since we have a hard workout tomorrow that is more important to have us hit the times. so all of these felt pretty easy but i still felt a burn on my thigh from the hill. times were: (2:43, 1:20, 37) (2:41, 1:13, 37) (2:37, 1:17, 37) good workout, i'm happy with it. weights after that felt better, i made sure to use my legs more than my back.
pm: 2 well my fam did a lot of stuff today so it took me right till 9pm. so decided to try the tredmil once....hated it. only could stand 2 miles. i figured out the difference between running outside and on the tredmil though. When you run outside, it's you running. You own the street, you set the pace. on the pretty much runs you. your the machine, its the human. its like the difference between being ranch cattle and a cow on a thats a bad example....buts thats the only thing i can think thats close. |