Member Since:
Dec 14, 2010
Goal Type:
Running Accomplishments:
Nothing matters until I run faster than Nevels!
Short-Term Running Goals:
Catch and Surpass everything Nevels has ever done in the running world.
Long-Term Running Goals:
Again, Catch and surpass all of nevels' course records and PR's
I will in fact run faster, longer, harder, than nevels.
Favorite Blogs:
Went for a run at North Farm. I mixed trail running with the road running.
I did 4 this morning, and 3 this evening, I coulda run more... but I did not want to.
Did the run, then had a friend of mine call and ask to lift weights with him. We did an extensive arm and core workout. The cool down was another 3 on the treadmill... does that count, too? cause if that's the case, I did 9.