It's cold in Colorado! 57 degrees on the snapchat filter this morning. Set out with a plan of a good fartlik workout. Well, I did three miles warmup, and when I started the workout I could barely get under 6:40 pace. My legs had no life in them and my feet hurt. I ate a TON for dinner yesterday so my stomach wasnt too well either. Changed the run to an out and back. 6.6 miles out, 6.6 miles back. Took 50 minutes to get out and 43 to get back, on the dot. After almost 12 miles my legs finally felt good enough, and my foot stretched out enough, to pick up to 6:10 at the slowest and 5:30 at the fastest. Doesn't sound quick, but I gained 250 feet in that stretch so def. Some good work. I just got a call from the head xc Alabama coach about meeting with me! He said my 8k time was impressive. Hopefully that means something good. Another 3.8 before dinner on the treadmill |