Wow today was epic... By the time we had our "range of motion" checked (basically just another physical) it was 3:00 or so when we headed out to the track. I was under the impression the whole team was going to be there, but it was just the walk-ons! I quickly determined that there was one guy who was at my level there, a 9:20 two-miler from Wisconsin who had been doing 70 miles a week, so we agreed to switch off leading laps. The workout was 3 by 1600 meters with 4 minutes recovery. It was a blazing 90 degrees and a little windy on the home stretch, plus it was obviously 4500 feet elevation...
Anyway we went out slow in 73, and on the home stretch I took the lead and brought us through 800 in 2:25. Then the other kid came up and ran another 72 so we were at 3:37 through 1200, when I took the lead and finished first in 4:49. But everyone was with us, so I had another guy lead the second mile.
He went out in 73, and by 600 meters in, the two of us ditched them and came through 800 in 2:25 again. I want to say we ran 71 to be at 3:36 through 1200, and he led the whole way to finish us off with a 72 for a 4:48. The other guys ran 5:02 and 5:16.
The last one the other kid made me lead, so my adrenaline got to me and I took us out in 70. I motioned him to come up but he was a ways back, so I brought us through 800 in 2:23 after a 73 lap. With 600 to go he finally took the lead and we got through 1200 3:36. Then we picked it up and finished in 4:45 with a 69 last lap.
Altogether a great workout, especially considering the altitude. Coach said the two of us can keep practicing with the team, so I am stoked to have a chance to be a D1 athlete! Right now my nose is runny though like after a race. I will hopefully recover for practice at 3:00 tomorrow.