Emily's training blog

Week starting Jun 26, 2011

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Member Since:

Sep 17, 2007



Goal Type:

Olympic Trials Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2 x Deseret News 10k winner

3 x All-American at BYU (back in the day)

10 x state champion in high school (way back in the day!)

3 x USA team member

Short-Term Running Goals:

I would like to run an Olympic Trials Qualifier in the marathon.

I would also like to run on one more international team before I pack it in!

 Stay healthy!  (My biggest challenge!)

Long-Term Running Goals:

Run my whole life, and then live vicariously through my children. (just kidding) , but I do want to pass on a healthy lifestyle to them.

Help coach East High to a state championship. (hope it doesn't take a lifetime!)


I've been running since I was nine.  I'm married to a fellow runner who inspires and supports me.  We have two children:  Cole (4) and Lily (18 mos.)  I help Bill Cobler coach cross country at East High School.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 15.00 Year: 385.40
NB 580 Lifetime Miles: 49.79
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal
Asics 2150 Miles: 50.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

I ran on the treadmill this morning to protect my achilles.  It was sore for a couple of miles, but it worked itself out pretty well.  I will just continue babying it . . . my house smells like Ben-Gay from all the massaging I have been doing. 

 You would never know that I ran a half marathon . . . probably because I really didn't.  I'm just going to look at it as a good hard long run.  I think I will recover pretty quickly. 

I started my run at a nice easy 8.0 mph, and increased .1 every half mile.  I was going pretty hard at the end, but the overall run felt pretty good. 

Asics 2150 Miles: 10.00
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I was not very motivated this morning.  I think Saturday's race took a little wind out of my sails.  I'm sure I will perk up and get excited again soon. 

The weather was hot and windy this morning, even at 5:00.  I'm glad that I don't run later in the day.  I ran out 1300W to 70th S, over to 2700W, and back to 5400S.  My legs felt a little more sore than yesterday.  I think it was the lunges that I did with the cross country team. 

5 more tonight.


PM:  Five more on the treadmill.  97degrees and windy?  No, thank you!

Asics 2150 Miles: 13.00
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I overslept yesterday, and spent the day preparing for our trip to Cedar City this weekend.  I didn't get a run in.  It is so hard to run if I don't do it first thing in the morning.

I didn't think the half marathon was affecting me very much until today, when I tried to do a fartlek workout.  I ran at Liberty Park.  I ran a 2 mile warm-up, and then ran 10 x 3 minutes on/2 minutes off.  I timed a couple of half miles, and realized that I was only running 5:45-5:50 pace.  At least they were consistent.  My legs were pretty dead when I tried running fast.  I ran 2 miles to cool down.  My achilles is still sore, but seems to be hanging in there.

So, I think I have a marathon picked out for the fall.  It's not a huge marathon, but I think it will be a good one.  I'm going to run the Des Moines Marathon on October 16th.  I've run the half before, so I'm familiar with half of the course.  It's completely flat.  There is some rolling in the first half, but I would rather have the hills at the beginning, than at the end.  It's nice to have something pinned down, so I can focus my training better. 

Asics 2150 Miles: 12.00
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I am in Cedar City visiting my sister-in-law and her family.  She is blessing her new baby on Sunday, so we thought we would make a vacation of it.  Cole is having the time of his life playing with his cousin Rex, who is just his age.  

I ran an ever-so-exciting run on US Highway 56.  I ran into Cedar City, until I reached the Veteran Memorial Park.  Then, I turned around and ran straight back.  It was an okay run when I actually got into town, but until that point, the most exciting things I saw were a field full of sheep, and a dead gopher.  I need to find a nicer run tomorrow.  Oh well, it's always fun running somewhere different.  I just don't think I can handle much more fun on Highway 56. 

Asics 2150 Miles: 10.00
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Today's run was not very long.  Lily screamed from 11:00 to 1:30 last night.  I thought that she potentially had an ear infection, since she was running a low grade fever, but a trip to urgent care revealed a healthy, overtired baby.  I guess it might be teething, but maybe it's just too much vacation.  

So, after about 4 hours of continuous sleep, my brother-in-law and I went up to the Veteran's Memorial Park, and ran on the trail there.  I did not feel well at all.  I had planned on a longer fartlek workout, but was so sluggish, that I just ran easy.  I did try to pick up my pace on my way back to the park.  It was a nice scenery change from yesterday's highway run.  

I hope the shorter mileage week, and the short-run Saturday means that I will feel somewhat fresh for the  5k on Monday.  Of course, we're driving back tomorrow afternoon, so I will have some driving miles in my legs.  Oh well.  Vacation is fun, but not the best for a training routine. 

Asics 2150 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal
Asics 2150 Miles: 50.00
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