It was drizzling when I woke up. I contemplated going back to bed, or getting on the spinning bike, or running on the treadmill. Then, I just decided to toughen up and get outside. It wasn't bad for the first half of the run, The drizzle turned into a pretty steady downpour by the end of the run. Winter rainstorms aren't quite as pleasant as summer ones. But, I'm glad I went out and ran.
We mention a lot on this blog about making "deposits rather than withdrawls" during our workouts. Today, I was thinking that running in adverse conditions provides a different type of deposit. It's a deposit into our "mental toughness" bank. When race time comes around, we can draw strength from all the times we pushed through rain, snow, wind, heat, sore legs, upset stomachs, sleepless nights, or tough times in our personal lives. I like knowing that I can do hard things. Nothing in a race is as difficult as the day to day commitment to training.
Now, I just need to remember this when the temperature drops 20 more degrees! It really wasn't too bad out this morning!