Eh. This morning didn't go so well. I ran at the Oval for some turnover. My goal was 20 x 1 minute on/off. I swear the Oval is an injury just waiting to happen. I warmed up 15 minutes and then started my workout. After about ten my hip and hamstring got progressively tighter. It felt like it might tear if I pushed too hard. I changed back into my trainers from my flats and finished 15. I could feel myself favoring on the fast parts. I couldn't get any push off. Hence, my fast workout was not as fast as I would like it. After 15 I cooled down for 15 more minutes. Hopefully some good stretching will help. I think I was still feeling some fatigue from last week. My plan has been to stay off of speedwork until March and just rely on tempo and fartlek efforts. There's no point in pushing things. I'll have to be careful running at the Oval, and possibly just stay away altogether.
It's supposed to be a nasty week weatherwise. Lovely.