Last speed workout before St. George. Did two mile warm-up then 4x800 at Yasso pace. 1-2:45 2-2:38 3-2:39 4-2:44 Only 1 mile cool-down didn't have much time had to get to my massage with April. It was pretty warm out this afternoon. This was an ok workout, not great but I'm feeling pretty good and really feel like I'm ready for a great race Saturday. The plan is to just take it easy the rest of the week, low miles.
I've never been a real high mileage runner, even in high school and college. I guess if I was more serious about the sport I probably would find more time to train and run more miles, but I try to make the best out the time I do have. Anyway since the marathon is this week I thought I would just reflect on the last few years in terms of miles ran per week. I am only counting weeks that had at least 50 miles or more. There are different times during the year when I don't run as much.
| 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 50 miles
| 12 weeks
| 5 weeks
| 10 weeks
| 12 weeks
| 60 miles
| 6 weeks
| 7 weeks
| 9 weeks
| 10 weeks
| 70 miles
| 2 weeks
| 2 weeks
| 2 weeks
| 1 week
| STG Time
| 2:46:12 | 2:44:59 | 3:07:27 |
I've been more consistent this year, so I'm feeling pretty good going into St. George. Also I haven't been having quite the hip pain like I've had in years past. I do have a minor shin/knee injury, but besides that I feel pretty good.