First day of effort this week. Warmup and drills, 1 mile warmup, 24x400m starting at 10k pace with 30sec rest, then 5k pace with 45sec rest, then 3k pace with 1min rest, then mile pace with 1 lap jog rest, so sets of 6. 10k set I averaged 75's, then 5k set I should've pushed hardee, averaged 74's, then 3k set was good, 72 avg, then mile set was a little slow, 69 avg but hit 70, 69, 69, 69, 68, 67. Small cooldown. Aerobically I felt great today, but those mile pace sets have gotta get faster, that'll just come when we do harder speed I guess. Good stuff today, averaged 72.5 for the whole thing, so right around where I want to hit for my 5k. Did that for 24 laps, so that should be a mental boost come race day. *little side note, right before rep #22, coach said something that really stuck with me, he said "if you don't give it today, don't expect it tomorrow". Coach is full of little wisdoms like that but this one really got to me. |