Started the morning with P90X Chest & Back and finished with Ab Ripper. Immediately after that, Cordin and I headed out for my recovery run. I wished I had eaten something before I ran, but I did okay. I ate a Gu at mile 4, and drank out of a sink in a park restroom.
Mile Splits: 9:49(hill), 9:22(Half hill), 8:57, 8:46, 8:37, 8:25, 8:21, 7:40, and 7:20.
Then, before I could eat or drink, Cathy wanted to go for a bike ride to a sushi restuarant. I was all over that and momentary forgot that I was very thirsty and hungry. So I had to wait 45 more minutes while we biked across town. The sushi was excellent and I drank A Lot of Diet Cokes! We biked 22 miles overall. Later, I swam a mile at the pool for 32 minutes. |