AM - Track - Time Trial (TT) 95% all-out-run
1.1 mi WU (7:28), 4x100 Sprint/glides, 2x200(35s & 34s) 6x400 w/ 3-4 min recovery (walking) Rep1: 1:16 (5:02) Rep2: 1:15 (4:54) Rep3: 1:16 (4:59) Rep4: 1:18 (5:23) Rep5: 1:18 (5:21) Rep6: 1:18 (5:14) Cool Down of 3/4 mi
That was some tough running. I thought that with the 3-4 minute recovery I would be ready to run the 400 meters all-out again and again... I was sucking so much air at the end of each rep that I felt I couldn't do that again. I might have been able to do 8 but I think performance would have suffered. I was wobbly-legged on the final turn of the last 2 reps. But I very good workout... I think this one will give us some hugh gains in our running performance!!
PM - CrossFit: "JT"
21-15-9 for time of: 12:48 handstand push-ups Ring Dips Push-ups
I did the first 13 handstand push-ups unassisted but had to move to bands to hekp me the rest of the way. Same for the rings, I only last 5 dips unassisted. |