Ran out to get the newspaper this morning and added .2 to make it a mile. At noon I ran 3 miles. My hip flexor didn't give me any problems again [which was my main concern for post marathon recovery] but the plica syndrom [ knee pain] that struck the week before the hip flexor problem, bothered me Monday and today. It started right from the beggining of the runs but never got too bad. When it first struck before the marathon, it always hit just beyond 2 miles but quickly got bad enough that I couldn't run. I took ibuprofen for it before the marathon and that completely took care of it but now it must be aggravated from the marathon. It's nice to know the pain isn't damaging anything but it's very annoying. Congradulations to my Dad who just swept the 4 gold medals in mountain biking at the Hunstman World Senior Games in St George in the 75 to 79 year old age group.