11 miles this morning. There was some snow falling and a bit of wind. I started out with 3 miles warmup at just under 7:54/mile AP. Then 1 mile down the big highway hill in 6:25 [easy marathon pace effort]. Turned and ran back up in 7:33 [probably around 10k effort]. That was a PR for up that hill. Then 1/2 mile recovery then 2x1 mile at 6:39 and 6:34 and 1.5 mile at 6:31 pace with 1/2 mile between each at around 7:35 pace. Last mile in 7:05. I felt pretty good about this workout. I was surprised that after the hard uphill effort in the fifth mile that I felt pretty fresh for the rest of the run. I felt good at the end and was tempted to run another fast mile or two but played it safe and quit. I too often seem to injure myself around this part of my marathon training. 7:12/mile overall pace for 11 miles PM 20 miles mt bike. I guess I should have done some VO2 max miles today and I would have had something in each category.