8M easy in 57:33. Ran to Dobbs Ferry and back around 11am. Weather 75 and nice. Splits 29:13/28:20. End HR 145. Just happy to get this easy run done. The last couple of days have marked a low point for my running this summer. Achilles problems, lack of motivation, and aggressive over-eating. In retrospect, I am overtrained. I had been red-lining it practically all summer without an easy week, hitting new mileage highs. It goes to show that if you don't give yourself an easy week once in a while, your body will force you to take it. After Tuesday's workout my Achilles (left mainly) were in bad shape. Wednesday I knew there was no point in running, but I skipped cross-training. Thursday I had intentions of running a track workout, but could not bring myself to do it. This was my first skipped workout in at least a couple of months. Maybe it's better I skipped it, as it could have really messed up my Achilles.
Late last night I decided I was going to just forget the track workout and run easy today, just to get back on schedule. I have a race Monday and now it's too close to it to be doing a hard workout and risk hurting myself, so I'm just writing off the speed workout I didn't do. Will have easy or rest days Saturday and Sunday.
In an effort to learn something about treating injuries, and preventing tweaks and niggles from becoming injuries, and to indulge my hypochondriac side, I'm going to start tracking leg issues daily. Here goes: Left achilles: Trying to figure out how this happened. 4 big mileage weeks including 3 new weekly highs from July 14 - August 10. Many of these miles done in old Adistars with 600 miles. Soles were worn down and shoes were dead. Speed workout August 11 which I did not properly warm down from. First noticed Achilles problems next day. August 14, ran hilly cross country race in waffle flats. Achilles very sore next 2 days but ran anyway. Also was breaking in fresh pair of adistars that week. Felt better 18th-19th after day off, but sore again Aug 20th after hard tempo run. Very sore next day on slow recovery run. Cross-trained the 22nd, ran the 23rd-24th and Achilles were a little sore both days. Wore new Brooks on the 23rd, and new NB on the 26th.
In summary, probably a combination of high mileage, introducing more speedwork, and running in dead shoes then breaking in new shoes. One day off seems to help a lot.
I recall that I had a lot of Achilles problems in Summer '07 (caused I think by running only in Triax, and particularly doing speed work in Triax without sufficient base), but it always improved in a few days with rest and ice.
Today, I soaked in hot water before running. Achilles was stiff and sore first mile, but gradually improved and wasn't really bothering me most of the run. Not especially sore afterwards. Did not ice Wed or Thurs.
Right achilles: Probably same causes as described above. Similar problem, but not as severe. Often more stiff than sore. Stiff for the first mile today but improved.
Knees: Slightly achey when done but nothing acute. Right worse than left. Took Advil when done.
Right quad: A little sore today after being pretty sore during Tuesday's run. No idea how this happened. Not too worried. Left quad just slightly sore as well.
Right forefoot: Getting tender at the end of today's run, but not terrible. Left OK.
Triax: 107
Adistar: 36
Cumulus: 293 Glycerin: 16 NB 826: 9 |