These evening runs are getting intefered with by my diet. I have to plan for these a bit better. I did ok tonight though, except that I had McDonald's for dinner (fish sandwich and a big and tasty) because it was Ivan's (my middle son) birthday and that was his choice for birthday dinner. Plus cake and ice cream later. Did the run about 3 hours after dinner and an hour after cake and ice cream. Did 2 2-mile pick ups tonight with 2 miles in between and 1.2 at the end for a total of 7.2 miles in 51:31 (7:09s). 9pm, 83 degrees and humid. First 2 mile splits were 7:10 and 6:45 for a 13:55 (6:58s). Then hit a mile at 7:36 followed by a mile at 7:25. My 2nd 2 mile pick up splits were 6:25 and 6:04 for 12:29 (6:15s). Finished with 1.2 miles in 10:03 (8:22s).
Nike Elite - 160.45 |