am- 7.8 miles/ 65 min Hills w/ 15 min warm, 5x1min hill + 1x85sec hill w/jog down rec and extra min after 3rd, cool to time (Grapevine Hill). Good day today. We went out to the hill leading up to the top of Coral Canyon and that neighborhood over there. The 1 minute reps were great, I would surge at 20 seconds and lead the workout from those surges. I just kept reminding myself of the goals of this season as I would start to fear the pain. Good thing to do when thinking of backing off. Then the 85 second rep was tough, I went for it with Juilen at the front but he threw a surge at the minute mark and was gone. That guy is such a beast. Finished the workout and went back to the school, stopping at the Rec center for some chilled water:)
pm- weights and I dead-lifted like a beast!! I am at the highest weights for the different stuff, and I still feel ready to go higher.
WORD OF THE DAY: todays word is "late" because that is what is going on rn with my family. We are leaving to drive to Nauvoo today and we were supposed to leave at 4pm...... it is now 6:30 and we are still here:/. To be late is to take part in an activity after the allotted time. Ex: I hate being late, and I have given myself the committment to never be late if I am the one affecting my punctuality.