2 miles in 15:32, 7:46/mi, HR 177. Warm & sunny (75F). Oops. Supposed to run 1.5 but higher math while running isn't my strong suit. Neither is higher math while standing still, lying down, sitting, or in any other position for that matter. But things felt pretty good and I tolerated it well, so my PT pronounced that 2 milers instead of 1.5 milers this week would be okay, but no more. Also, PT sessions reduced to 1 x week since I'm sooooo compliant with the exercises and stretching. Oh, how the road to recovery is sweet but slow. My PT is running his first marathon this weekend. Unfortunately, his training the past few weeks has been 2 days running/week with some long bike rides on the weekends. I've tried to gently suggest reining in his expectations for his first event but I don't think he quite grasps how painful the last few miles can be if undertrained. I'm almost looking forward to next Tuesday's session already.....